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From MoodleDocs

Scales for skill evaluation

By default evaluation use a binary scale (False, True). We introduce since Moodle 2.4 referentiel version a multi avluated scale borrowed from moodle Scale.

What is a multivaluateed scale ?

A scale is a list of values for skills evaluation. Fr example :

  • Binary scale : "False, True"
  • Tree values : "Non applicable, Not valid, Valid"
  • LOMER scale: "Non acquis, En cours d'acquisition, Acquis, Excellent"
  • ... N valeurs ?

We need for certification purpose to set a threshold value.

Standard Scale for Moodle

Plugin Referentiel scale extends Moodle scale API.

Fist add a new scale to your Moodle server (Manager role).

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Points Lomer Scale

Lomer Points is a 4 values scale:

  • two green points (• •) the student has largely passed the fixed outcome;
  • one green point vert (•) the student has just passed the fixed outcome;
  • one red rouge (•) not so far but fail;
  • two red points (• •) fail; do it again.

We use this LOMER scale for B2i evaluation with the Skills repository module.

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Activate scale for référentiel plugin

With manager role go to « Site Administration/ Modules management / Skills repository / Settings»

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and set the config field « referentiel_use_scale » to 1.

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Select a scale for the referential occurrence

For each of your referentiel occurrences you need to affect a scale. If not the default scale (False, True) will be set.

We choose Lomer Poinsts scales for "B2i Collège" evaluation.

  • Add a new referentiel instance and choose B2i Collège occurrence (you can get it from [MoodleMoot 2012]
  • Open this instance and go to « Skills repository / Scale» (You can use the Skills repository Block to set a new referentiel scale)

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  • Select standard scale Lomer Points (created upward)
  • Set a threshold : for certification purpose only the competencies equal or over this threshod will be counted).

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Hierarchical evaluation interface

With scale nor the declaration interface

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nor the display are modified,

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but the detailled display give the grade of each competency item .

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And now the evaluation interface display a menue list which one value has to be selected by the referee when he/she evaluates each skill.

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Use multi valuated scales only if the default binary scale is inadequate.

N.B.: If not any scale is associated to a Skills repository occurrence then the binary scale is used.

See also

linked Pages to Referentiel module for Competeny evaluation / Certification :