Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.6. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle is likely available here: LAEGrader report.

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{{Grades}}The LAEgrader report page is an alternative main teacher view of the gradebook in Moodle 1.9. LAEgrader is not designed for versions prior to 1.9.
{{Infobox plugin
|type = Grade report
|entry =
|tracker = Enter the Tracker CONTRIB component link
|discussion =
|maintainer = [[User:Bob Puffer|Bob Puffer]]
|float = right

If installed, the report can be seen in [[Course administration block|Course administration]]>Grades.
The LAEgrader report page is an alternative main teacher view of the gradebook in Moodle 1.9. LAEgrader is not designed for versions prior to 1.9.

=LAEgrader Report Overview=
If installed, the report can be seen in ''Course administration>Grades''
==LAEgrader Report Overview==
The LAEgrader report takes the place of the Grader report as the grades repository interface for the instructor for the course.  It is based off from, and shares many library functions and classes with the Grader report.  Therefore, the Grader report directory on your Moodle installation cannot be removed. The most notable difference between the LAEgrader and Grader is that the LAEgrader freezes both the column headers (grade item titles) and the student rows, while still allowing the user to scroll vertically and horizontally.
The LAEgrader report takes the place of the Grader report as the grades repository interface for the instructor for the course.  It is based off from, and shares many library functions and classes with the Grader report.  Therefore, the Grader report directory on your Moodle installation cannot be removed. The most notable difference between the LAEgrader and Grader is that the LAEgrader freezes both the column headers (grade item titles) and the student rows, while still allowing the user to scroll vertically and horizontally.

=LAEgrader Report Installation=
==LAEgrader Report Installation==
* Download the LAEgrader report from CVS or the [ Moodle Modules and Plugins page].
# Download the LAEgrader report from It is bundled with the LAE version of Moodle but can be extracted and used alone without other LAE enhancements.
* (If zipped) unzip the contents of the zip file.
# (If zipped) unzip the contents of the zip file.
* Place all contents in the grade/report directory of your Moodle installation (you should then have a grade/report/laegrader directory)
# Place all contents of the grade/report/laegrader folder in the grade/report folder of your Moodle installation (you should then have a grade/report/laegrader folder)
* Under [[Site administration block]] run [[Notifications]].
# Under Site administration block run Notifications.
* Check to see that your permissions for your various roles are as you desire. It is recommended that access to the regular Grader report be set to "Prevent" to avoid confusion.
# Check to see that your permissions for your various roles are as you desire. It is recommended that access to the regular Grader report be set to "Prohibit" to avoid confusion. The admin will always see both reports.

=User Configurable settings=
==User Configurable settings==
* "gradeeditalways" mode removes the edit button and always displays the report ready for editing of grades (see below). 
* Height in pixels of scrollable portion of LAE grader report (300,340,380,420,460,500,540,580,620,660,700,740,780,820,860,900). Each increment represents roughly one student line.
* Height in pixels of scrollable portion of LAE grader report (300,340,380,420,460).
* Accurate points calculation on or off (see below).
* Accurate points calculation on or off (see below).
* Width of column text.

The defaults for these options can be set at site level by going to Administration->Grades->[[Gradebook_report_settings|Report settings]]->LAE grader report.
===Layout Differences From Grader Report===
[[Image:laegrader_normal_mode.png|right|thumb|LAE Grader report in non-editing mode]]
[[Image:laegrader_normal_mode.png|right|thumb|LAE Grader report in non-editing mode]]
Along the top is one row containing all grade items interspersed with a category items (if previous grade items are categorized).  The last column is always the Course Total.  All items contained in a category and the category total column are background color-coded the same (alternating light-red/light-blue).  Items not contained in a category have a background of white as does the Course Total.  If your gradebook exceeds 95% of the width of the document page, a horizontal scrollbar will be applied at the bottom. If the height of the number of student rows to display exceeds the user-configurable height (default: 360) a vertical scrollbar will be displayed.  Whenever the grades are scrolled, either horizontally or vertically, the grade item titles )and optionally, range and average rows) will remain fixed as will the student columns (including "id", if displayed).
* Grade item and category headers are all on one line, not nested. LAEgrader does not collapse or expand categories.
===Other layout options===
You can sort by any column.  Click the [[Image:Move.gif]] symbol near the top of a column to sort by that column.  This will change the symbol to a single downarrow.  Clicking again will sort lowest-to-highest, changing the symbol to an uparrow.  The arrows will toggle between these two states until you click on a different column.
The student name columns do not have the [[Image:Move.gif]] symbol. Clicking on either the first or last name will cause the report to sort.
==Other Layout Differences From Grader Report==
* LAEgrader does not collapse or expand categories.
* LAEgrader allows wrapping of grade item and grade category names (at approximately 30 characters) to avoid excessively wide reports
* LAEgrader allows wrapping of grade item and grade category names (at approximately 30 characters) to avoid excessively wide reports
* You can add rows showing the range of possible scores and/or averages by going to [[Grade_preferences|My report preferences]] and selecting '''Show ranges''' or selecting '''Show averages'''.  Unlike the Grader report, these rows are placed at the top and are frozen along with the grade item titles row so the user never loses sight of them.
* Category items always follow the items contained in the category
* Aggregation column (category or course) is always after the contained items or subcategories.  This is not configurable.
* All items (including the category column) included in a category are color-coded the same to group them together, alternately orange/blue
* The number of students per page is always unlimited.
* The last column is always the Course Total.
* The LAE grader report always makes it easy to know which student and which gradeitem is being viewed or edited and therefore selecting of whole rows or columns is disabled.
* Items not contained in a category have a background of white as does the Course Total.
* There are no longer any mouseover tooltips reminding you what student and what grade on which you're operating.
* Hidden items and categories are gray.
* '''Grades scroll both horizontally and vertically without losing view of the students column or the grade item header rows.''' This is the biggest difference between the LAE and core gradebooks.  It negates the need for mouseover descriptions of which student and which item on which you're currently working.
* Rows added such as 'range' or 'average' are placed at the top (instead of the bottom) and are frozen along with the grade item titles row so the user never loses sight of them.

=Functionality Enhancements=
==Functionality Enhancements Beyond the Core Gradebook==
==Letter and Percentage Input==
===Letter and Percentage Input===
Whenever the user is editing grades they have the option of inputting a "real" number, a letter grade or a percentage grade. A letter will be compared against the letter grade setup for the course (configurable [[Grade letters]]) and will be converted to 1 point less than the maximum available for that letter grade.  Percentage grades will be converted to the input percentage times the maximum grade earnable for that item.
Whenever the user is editing grades they have the option of inputting a "real" number, a letter grade or a percentage grade. A letter will be compared against the letter grade setup for the course (configurable [[Grade letters]]) and will be converted to 1 point less than the maximum available for that letter grade.  Percentage grades will be converted to the input percentage times the maximum grade earnable for that item.

=="Edit Always" mode==
==="Dump to Google" button===
When "gradeeditalways" preference has been selected by the user, the "Turn editing on/off" button does not appear.  All grades are shown with their respective displaytypes (Real, Letter, Percentage) but are editable, unless locked.  In the case where multiple displaytypes are formatted for grade column(s), (i.e., Real/Percentage) the first type will be the display format used.  Grade column "locks" are provided at the top of each editable column of grades, clicked to insure that final grades in that column are not accidentally "re-edited".
A button is provided above the student names column to allow quick "dumps" of LAE grader report contents. The data is exported in a format that facilitates calculations and checking of grades in Google (or Excel, if you have to).
=="Copy to Excel" button==
A button is provided above the student names column to allow quick "dumps" of LAE grader report contents. The data is exported "as seen" on the LAE grader report with all displaytypes as formatted on the screen.  In the case where multiple displaytypes are formatted for grade column(s), (i.e., Real/Percentage) the first type will be the export format used.  This quick export includes a row containing maximum point earnable for each grade item/category column.  Grades displayed as percentages are exported as decimal equivalents.
==Accurate Points Calculation==
The Moodle core gradebook stores "real" grades to the grades table.  "Real" is most often the number of points earned when applied to individual grade items.  The total points for all grade items contained in a grade category is not automatically maintained unless "Sum of Grades" aggregation method is used.  If other aggregation methods other than "Sum" are used and the category total is not manually adjusted to reflect the total points, usually the total points (or "real" grade) shown for a category is 100.  This confuses many who expect "real" to be the actual total (earned and earnable, in the case of "range").  Setting "Accurate points calculation" triggers calculations in the LAE grader report so all "real" values reported are the actual sum of points for grade items making them up. This setting does not change what is stored in the grades table.  You can toggle between "Accurate points" and Moodle's default with no problems. NOTE: to maintain the enhancements inside the report "plugin" the accurately calculated points for categories will not be reflected in the Categories and Items screen.
{| style="width:75%; border="0" align="center"
|[[Image:Grade Report unsorted column1.png|frame|center|Unsorted]]
||[[Image:Grade Report sorted column2.png|frame|center|Sorted]]
||[[Image:Grade Report unsorted name1.png|frame|center|Unsorted]]
||[[Image:Grade Report sorted lastname3.png|frame|center|Sorted ]]
==Highlighting scores that are either adequate or unacceptable in red and green==
Turn editing on and click on the edit icon in the controls cell at the top of the column. You can then (maybe need to click 'show advanced') see the option to enter a 'grade to pass'. Once set, any grades falling above this will be highlighted in green and any below will be highlighted in red.
Note that the highlighting will not show if the LAE Grader report is viewed in the editing mode.
==Categorising the grades==
The 'Choose an action...' drop down on the upper left will let you switch to other views
* '''Edit categories and items''' will allow you to set up your assessments in different categories e.g. 'classwork', 'homework' etc.
Each category will then have its own '''Category total''' column.
[[Image:laegrader_edit_mode.png|right|thumb|Grader report in editing mode]]
Note: Editing anything in the gradebook refers to editing the grades '''only''' and none of the available operations bear any relationship to editing the main course page i.e. the appearance of your course page cannot be influenced by anything you do in the gradebook. The "Turn editing on" button functions separately from the main course one, so editing can be on in the gradebook, but simultaneously off when you switch back to course view. This is because editing grades and editing the course page are separate capabilities.  Roles such as 'non-editing teacher' may only have one or the other.
==Altering the grades==
You can click "Turn editing on"  at the top right to show an edit icon next to each grade. Clicking on the icon will bring up the editing screen for that grade which will allow you to set the grade, its written feedback and a number of other attributes.
Alternatively, you can click on "[[Grade_preferences|My report preferences]]"' and choose "Quick grading" and "Quick feedback" to make the report appear with editable boxes containing each grade, so you can change many at once.  This capability can be a real time saver, but make sure to save at reasonable intervals lest a pageful of changes be lost.  You can lose unsaved changes by bringing up a new page in the browser, such as a Moodle manual page.  If you want a manual page or the like, be sure to bring it up in a new tab.
Quick feedback is switched off by default, but you can easily switch it on or off using the "Show Quick Feedback" link above the grader report, when editing is on. Alternatively you can switch it on and off in the page "[[Grade_preferences|My report preferences]]".
==The significance of altering the grades in this screen==
If you make changes here, they're highlighted in this screen going forward.  The orange highlight represents a grade altered outside of its native assignment page.
==Calculating totals==
Rather than a simple average or sum, Moodle can perform very complex calculations to produce the totals for each category and for the whole course. e.g. you want to take an average of 3 items from one category, double it, then add it to the average of another category.
You can do this using calculations. Either turn on editing, then click '''Show calculations''', or go to '''[[Grade_preferences|My report preferences]]''', choose '''show calculations''', then save and turn editing on. You will then see a small calculator icon next to each total column which, when you click on it, will take you to the page [[Edit grade calculation]] where there are instructions.
To choose how the grades are aggregated for the totals within categories, you can turn editing on and click on the little editing icon for the category. You can then choose to have means, medians, modes etc.  You can also leave out empty grades and choose other settings.
==Hiding columns or individual grades==
Turning on editing then clicking the "Show show/hide icons" link will give you the familiar show/hide eye icon next to each grade and at the top of each column. For more information, read about [[Grade_hiding|grade hiding]].
If you change any part of an assessment e.g. alter the maximum grade for one of the questions in a quiz, you may find that the columns do not yet reflect the change you have made. Click '''Turn editing on''' twice to force the gradebook to re-check.
==Changing the Order of Assignments within Categories==
Assignments are listed across the top in the order they are created.  The order is not affected by the date the assignment is due, the title of the assignment or the ID number.

===Move an individual Grade item or Grade Category===
===Filters for Groupings===
On the "Edit categories and items" page of the gradebook there is a series of icons under the 'Actions' column one of which is a up/down arrow called 'move'. Click on the icon and then click on one of the empty boxes to where you want to move the item to.
If a group is chosen which doesn't have access to all grade items, those grade items are not displayed in the LAE Grader report.

===Move a number of Grade items simultaneously===
===Accurate Points Calculation===
On the "Edit categories and items" page of the gradebook, under the 'Select' column tick the check boxes of the grade items you want to move. Now scroll down to the bottom of the page and find the 'Move selected items to' option list.  Select the category from the list where you want to move the grade items to.
Unless Natural aggregation method is used, Moodle's core gradebook does not automatically maintain accurate category and course points totals. LAE maintains these on the fly (if $CFG->accuratetotals is chosen) without making changes in the values stored in Moodle's grades tables.  There are also instances when the core gradebook's lack of maintaining accurate totals affects percentage and letter grade calculations.  LAE corrects those. Examples of issues caused by the core gradebook not maintaining accurate point totals include:
# When multiple SWM categories are nested in another category with differing total actual points the expected outcome is each point will be counted the same.  When 100 points is left for each category total, (the default for the core gradebook) the result is each category is counted the same, regardless of the value of the contained item points -- a point in one category is not worth the same as a point in another category.
# Though teachers can update the maximum points for categories and course totals they'd need to do this continually throughout the duration of the course, after each grade item is marked.
# With a set 100 points being the maximum, what is reported as the “grade” is nothing different than percentage and has no additional value.

===Other ways of moving grade items===
NOTE: to maintain the enhancements inside the report "plugin" the accurately calculated points for categories will not be reflected in the Categories and Items screen (unless you request Luther's hack for that)Additionally, an accurate points version of the User report is available so students see what makes sense to them.
There is one way you can change the order of display.  Let's say you have an assignment that is in the middle someplace, but you want it on the end of the category.  Edit the assignment to '''uncategorized''' and come back to the Grader report screen.  You will see that the assignment has departed from the category and is UncategorizedThen edit the assignment again, returning it to its original category.  Return to the Grader Report screen.  Now the assignment should be on the end of the category.

If you have two or more assignments in the wrong place, repeat the process, finishing with the assignment you want to be on the extreme end.
===Grades not submitting===
(Similar problems exist for existing Moodle gradebook).  If you're using suhosin to harden your PHP you should set four times the columns times the rows of your anticipated largest gradebook.
If you're using PHP 5.3.9 you need a line like:
  php_value max_input_vars XXXXX
where XXXXX is a similar calculation as above with suhosin (we use 20000).

==See also==
==See also==

Latest revision as of 07:26, 10 November 2014

LAEGrader report
Type Grade report
Set N/A
Issues Enter the Tracker CONTRIB component link
Maintainer(s) Bob Puffer

The LAEgrader report page is an alternative main teacher view of the gradebook in Moodle 1.9. LAEgrader is not designed for versions prior to 1.9.

If installed, the report can be seen in Course administration>Grades

LAEgrader Report Overview

The LAEgrader report takes the place of the Grader report as the grades repository interface for the instructor for the course. It is based off from, and shares many library functions and classes with the Grader report. Therefore, the Grader report directory on your Moodle installation cannot be removed. The most notable difference between the LAEgrader and Grader is that the LAEgrader freezes both the column headers (grade item titles) and the student rows, while still allowing the user to scroll vertically and horizontally.

LAEgrader Report Installation

  1. Download the LAEgrader report from It is bundled with the LAE version of Moodle but can be extracted and used alone without other LAE enhancements.
  2. (If zipped) unzip the contents of the zip file.
  3. Place all contents of the grade/report/laegrader folder in the grade/report folder of your Moodle installation (you should then have a grade/report/laegrader folder)
  4. Under Site administration block run Notifications.
  5. Check to see that your permissions for your various roles are as you desire. It is recommended that access to the regular Grader report be set to "Prohibit" to avoid confusion. The admin will always see both reports.

User Configurable settings

  • Height in pixels of scrollable portion of LAE grader report (300,340,380,420,460,500,540,580,620,660,700,740,780,820,860,900). Each increment represents roughly one student line.
  • Accurate points calculation on or off (see below).
  • Width of column text.


Layout Differences From Grader Report

LAE Grader report in non-editing mode
  • Grade item and category headers are all on one line, not nested. LAEgrader does not collapse or expand categories.
  • LAEgrader allows wrapping of grade item and grade category names (at approximately 30 characters) to avoid excessively wide reports
  • Category items always follow the items contained in the category
  • All items (including the category column) included in a category are color-coded the same to group them together, alternately orange/blue
  • The last column is always the Course Total.
  • Items not contained in a category have a background of white as does the Course Total.
  • Hidden items and categories are gray.
  • Grades scroll both horizontally and vertically without losing view of the students column or the grade item header rows. This is the biggest difference between the LAE and core gradebooks. It negates the need for mouseover descriptions of which student and which item on which you're currently working.
  • Rows added such as 'range' or 'average' are placed at the top (instead of the bottom) and are frozen along with the grade item titles row so the user never loses sight of them.

Functionality Enhancements Beyond the Core Gradebook

Letter and Percentage Input

Whenever the user is editing grades they have the option of inputting a "real" number, a letter grade or a percentage grade. A letter will be compared against the letter grade setup for the course (configurable Grade letters) and will be converted to 1 point less than the maximum available for that letter grade. Percentage grades will be converted to the input percentage times the maximum grade earnable for that item.

"Dump to Google" button

A button is provided above the student names column to allow quick "dumps" of LAE grader report contents. The data is exported in a format that facilitates calculations and checking of grades in Google (or Excel, if you have to).

Filters for Groupings

If a group is chosen which doesn't have access to all grade items, those grade items are not displayed in the LAE Grader report.

Accurate Points Calculation

Unless Natural aggregation method is used, Moodle's core gradebook does not automatically maintain accurate category and course points totals. LAE maintains these on the fly (if $CFG->accuratetotals is chosen) without making changes in the values stored in Moodle's grades tables. There are also instances when the core gradebook's lack of maintaining accurate totals affects percentage and letter grade calculations. LAE corrects those. Examples of issues caused by the core gradebook not maintaining accurate point totals include:

  1. When multiple SWM categories are nested in another category with differing total actual points the expected outcome is each point will be counted the same. When 100 points is left for each category total, (the default for the core gradebook) the result is each category is counted the same, regardless of the value of the contained item points -- a point in one category is not worth the same as a point in another category.
  2. Though teachers can update the maximum points for categories and course totals they'd need to do this continually throughout the duration of the course, after each grade item is marked.
  3. With a set 100 points being the maximum, what is reported as the “grade” is nothing different than percentage and has no additional value.

NOTE: to maintain the enhancements inside the report "plugin" the accurately calculated points for categories will not be reflected in the Categories and Items screen (unless you request Luther's hack for that). Additionally, an accurate points version of the User report is available so students see what makes sense to them.


Grades not submitting

(Similar problems exist for existing Moodle gradebook). If you're using suhosin to harden your PHP you should set four times the columns times the rows of your anticipated largest gradebook.

If you're using PHP 5.3.9 you need a line like:

  php_value max_input_vars XXXXX

where XXXXX is a similar calculation as above with suhosin (we use 20000).

See also

Using Moodle forum discussions: