Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.6. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle is likely available here: Learning plan viewer.

Learning plan viewer

From MoodleDocs

Course teachers cannot by default see learning plans, since competencies and learning plans exist outside of a course context, whereas the role of teacher is assigned in the course context. To allow course teachers to view their students' learning plans, follow these steps:

Create a new custom role

Ticking 'User' as the context type where the role may be assigned
  1. From Site administration, access the Define Roles screen and click the button to Add a new role.
  2. Ignore the defaults screen and click the blue Continue button.
  3. Give your role a name, for example Learning plan viewer.
  4. Tick 'User' as the context type where the role may be assigned. (Note: You can tick 'System', but this will then mean the teacher will see all learning plans on the site. Normally a teacher would only review those in their course.)
  5. Scroll down and set the capability "moodle/competency:planview" to Allow.
  6. If you need the role to be able to view uploaded student evidence, then also set to Allow "moodle/competency:userevidenceview".
  7. Save the new role.

Assigning the teacher to one or several students

If the teacher only has a few students with competencies to review, this may now be done manually, one at a time. If the teacher's class is very large, see the next section.

  1. As an administrator, access the student's profile, open Preferences and click the Permissions link.
  2. From Permissions, click the link 'Assign roles relative to this user' (in the Roles section).
  3. Click 'Learning plan viewer', and add the teacher to this student.

Assigning the teacher to a large number of students

  1. From Site administration, access the Cohorts screen and create a cohort with the relevant students in it.
  2. Then from the Users tab, click the link 'Assign user roles to cohort'.
  3. From the top dropdown, choose your teacher.
  4. In the middle ('Select role') dropdown, choose 'Learning plan viewer'. (Note that only roles with 'User' ticked as the context type where they may be assigned will be visible here.)
  5. From the bottom ('Select cohorts') dropdown, choose the cohort with the teacher's students.
  6. Click the Assign button.

What the teacher sees

When the teacher is in their course and they view students' profiles (for example from the Participants link) they will see a link to their learning plans:
