New for teachers

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 11:20, 9 May 2017 by Mary Cooch (talk | contribs) (added link)

If you're a teacher in Moodle, then this page will tell you about the major changes affecting you in Moodle 3.3.

  • 33officeintegration.png

    Better Office integration

    Log in, easily access documents from Microsoft Office and the Google G-Suite and link your accounts.

  • 33TeacherDashboardView.png

    Improved dashboard

    Thanks to this MUA project, you can now easily see check progress and see activities needing grading from the new Course overview block.

  • 33FontAwesome.png

    Font Awesome

    This popular, responsive set of icons is now available in core for the benefit of everyone.

  • 33emojis2.png

    Emoji support

    Brighen up communication with fun emoji characters anywhere that text can be entered

  • 33GradeReminder2.png

    Set a 'Grade by' reminder

    Set a reminder to alert you in the course overview

  • 33TeacherAssignmentRestrictions.png

    Specify assignment file types

    During the assignment setup, choose which file types students can submit.

  • 33CollapsibleComments.png

    Collapse comments in assignments

    Collapse assignment feedback comments for greater readability.

  • 33TeacherControlledAssignment.png

    Securely grade Office assignment submissions

    Use an access controlled link to grade assignments submitted from G-Suite or MS Office

  • 33BulkEditActivityCompletion.png

    Better activity completion management

    Bulk edit and update activity completion settings in your courses.

  • 33DragDropMedia.png

    Drag and drop media

    Drag and drop media directly onto the course page

  • 33StealthActivities.png

    Stealth activities: available but not shown

    An improvement on 'orphaned sections', links may now be made to activities which are not shown on the course page

  • 33Tagging.png

    More tag areas

    Glossary entries, forum posts and book chapters may now be tagged for easier searching