PhET simulations

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PhET is a site for interactive simulations for science (physics, biology, chemistry, Earth sciences) and math at elementary, middle school, high school and University levels, from the University of Colorado at Boulder, USA, that provides fun, free, interactive, research-based science and mathematics simulations. The simulations are written in Java, Flash or HTML5, and can be run online or downloaded to your (Moodle 2.9 server) computer. All simulations are open source.

Note: Downloading the actual simulation code into a Moodle resource used to work for Moodle 2.9, but it does not work for newer Moodle versions; you must link to the address of the simulation hosted at .

What does PhET stand for?

The name "PhET" was originally an acronym for "Physics Education Technology" but the PhET site now includes simulations about many other subjects besides physics, so the acronym is too limited. The PhET team decided to keep the name because it is so widely recognized.

Downloading the link to the code for one PhET simulation

  • You can find the code for many simulations in the PhET site.
    • It is easier to use the simulations written in HTML5 for showing in student's PCs.
    • Note that some simulations that were written in Flash will need to have the multimedia plugins filter enabled in the Moodle server, which some servers admins will not allow for security reason. Remember that running Flash code in Macs and iPads can be tricky.
    • Simulations written in Java or HTML5 can usually run well in modern Moodle servers and in most modern user's devices and browser.

Embedding a link to a PhET simulation in a Moodle Page or label

  • We will be using the HTML5 version of the balancing act simulation for this example.
  • Firstly, go to the PhET site, and locate the simulation that you want to use.
  • Then, copy the address (green rectangle) that links to that simulation's HTML5 code (blue rectangle):

Phet simulation copy the simulation address.png

  • Now you can add a new Label or Page resource, where you will link to the Phet simulation
    • It is quite easy to insert the link to the HTML5 code into a Moodle Page.
    • Just remember to activate the <> button in the Text editor.

A PhET in a Moodle page.png

<iframe src="address_of_phet_simulation_to_be_linked" width="800" height="600" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen></iframe>

{Note|You can change the width and height values (800 and 600 above) to a size that better suits your client's displays.}}

    • This is how your label should look like:

Phet simulationtype the needed code and paste the actual simulatiuon address.png

  • If you click again in the <> button in the Text editor, you will change from HTML code editing mode into interpreted mode, and you will see the simulation while it is being loaded and displayed. The simulation will show properly from now on:

Phet simulation with the embedded simulation inside the label.png

  • Now click the 'Save and return to course' button.
  • And it's done !:

Phet simulation with the finished label.png

  • Enjoy!

Phet balancing act in moodle 299.png

Phet balancing act in moodle 299 image 2.png

Can you embed PhET code in the Moodle Quiz?

According to this post, Tim Hunt tried this (with the balancing act SIM), with these results:

  • At first it did not work, because his test Moodle site is running on https, and the embed code has http://, so it gets blocked by browser security settings.
  • However, editing the URL in the embed code to be https, then it worked.

Embedding a simulation in a quiz

You can either:

  • have the students first interact with the simulation's link embedded in a Page (see above how to embed a PhET simulation in a Moodle Page) and take a quiz later.
  • embed the link to the simulation in a description question type (see below) prior to asking the relevant questions with the usual question types:

Phet simulationin a description question type.png

  • Make a true-false or Multiple choice question with the embedded link to the simulation displaying in a smaller frame:

Phet simulationin with a true-false question type.png

Embedding a PhET simulation in a Moodle question

It is quite easy to insert the HTML5 code into a Moodle description question type. Just remember to activate the <> button in the Text editor.

A PhET in a Moodle description question type.png

When you click the 'Save changes' button, the link to thw simulation code will be saved and you can see the preview when you edit the question:

A PhET in a Moodle description question type interpreted.png

Is there a list of PhET simulations that run well with Moodle?

Not yet, but you can try downloading one simulation from the PhET site and post your results in the Moodle Quiz forum.

Difficulties encountered while trying to use Phet simulations HTML5 code in Moodle 3.0 and newer branches

Note: Downloading the actual simulation code into a Moodle resource used to work for Moodle 2.9, but it does not work for newer Moodle versions; you must link to the address of the simulation hosted at .

  • The following procedure does not work in Moodle 3.0 and newer branches:
  • This is an example from a Moodle 3.2.0 site using the Atto editor:

Phet balancing act in moodle3209 image 3.png

  • Atto editor has removed some code from the Phet simulation:

Phet balancing act in moodle3209 image 4.png

  • Why? I do not know. Help needed :)