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Note: this project has moved to the Dev wiki
We'll be building out this page as the MoodleNet project develops.
== MoodleMoot Miami ==
At the MoodleMoot in Miami (November 2017) we asked participants for their input to the MoodleNet project. The slides and etherpad from that session can be found below;
* #MootUS17 etherpad:
* Slides:
In addition, we asked participants to think about their 'hopes', 'fears', and 'dreams' for the MoodleNet project. They also split into affinity groups to think about what people in their role/position would find it useful for MoodleNet to provide.
=== Hopes ===
* Packaged for competency frameworks (i.e. quality matters)
* Trustworthy
* Our faculty are willing to share some learning objects
* People will provide feedback
* Sharing good practice and experiences
* People will improve content
* Share content made with Moodle
* Access to GOOD quality OER content
* Addictive
* Works in all LMS
* It's easy to share and pull in resources into Moodle
* Activity from HQ
* A resource that all teachers, instructional designers, support people, etc. will go to for the best examples that Moodle could offer
* Portals for different role communities w/ chat (like AOL in the 90's). Who's online?
* Simple user interface
* Place to share our work - like Facebook timeline. A gallery of what people have done.
* Sharing of best practices
* Is promoted / marketed effectively and appropriately
* Contributed objects will have a review or discussion area so they can be community evaluated for appropriate uses
* Integration of partners to provide support for questions. One-stop shop
* Faculty development opportunities
* Create amazing courses - fashion
* Repository of activities for re-purposing
* A place to see examples of ways Moodle is being used by others
* A portfolio for teachers that REPLACES LinkedIn
* Option to contribute anonymously; option to require attribution or not
* It becomes a major player in the social media world
* One button to update content pulled from MoodleNet
* Great platform for sharing best practices
* All user forums posts are responded to
* Easy to navigate
* Gallery of courses to view to get inspiration for developing my courses
* Option to find others for content development
* Definition of - users and dev. where you ask for features?
* Replace current Moodle community
* Rating system and reviews on content
* Have community facilitators
* User interface feels like Yammer / Facebook / Teams
* Share problems and quickly identify issues
* More regular teachers involved
* Access to great open courseware
* Paid bounty for support
* Students USE it =)
* Open
* Moderated
* Sexy interface
* Stays relevant for a long time
* Highly configurable
* Synchronous options to communicate
* Enhanced engagement w/ community knowledge holders
* Help me find Moodle resources
* Access to free training from HQ and partners
* Content is shared in such a way that it can be used by users of other LMSs too
* Different sections for different user types (dev/teacher/design)
* Feature to request someone review your content before you post
* Content is tagged to make it easy to find content you can use
* A place for users to connect with consultants for paid support
* Features like Meetup to let teachers get together to have conversations
* Find stuff easily
* "Integration with every Moodle site" is not intrusive
* Documentation will be kept up to date
* An easy way to find information
* Corresponding tags to identify pedagogy / curriculum / paradigm
* Be very easy to use
* A platform for students from different fields to connect
* Be open to all interested
* Will run the SAME as the original app
* Single sign-on for all users for all sites
* Connects people best practices + technical
* Some filtering so it doesn't get weighed down with crap that isn't useful
* Seamless
* I can get paid or attributed for content
* Way to connect with other Moodlers
* Suggested tutorials broken down by role (teacher / admin / developer)
* Have a great search function
* To understand what MoodleNet is
* Help me connect with other Moodle users
* A place to share educational material
* Bring the Moodle community together in a coherent way
* Variety of realworld content for all industries
* Different user roles so connections can be made at appropriate levels. Assignable groups.
* Get traction with students actually using it
* Have ability to favorite / follow content or creators
* Market for helping others
* Pull request like GitHub for improving content
* Reuse activities from a course on one site on another
* I could help people with Moodle and get paid
* Manage to get contribution in my Moodle vs. having another login
* High level of activity
* Place to share ideas
* Perfect place to learn Moodle
* Channels for grouping and identifying self
* Share/barter expertise with real-time feedback
* Crowdsourcing solutions and/or finding community members who can help, troubleshoot, brainstorm, etc.
* Easy to find usergroups
* Provides an open stream of communication with the various groups in the Moodle community (e.g. devs, support, etc.)
* Use Moodle FB to specifically show updates/videos
* Collaboration
* Helping place
* Collaborative knowledge base
* Places where developers, designers, and users can interact
* Video tutorials
* Knowledge base
* Go to the help center
* Help desk
* Button to create audio file from a text file
* Easy path to component installation
* Includes discussion forums for asking questions of similar roled users
* Repository of courses, packages, analytics. this could save instructors lots of time putting courses together.
* Crowd sourcing for plugins
* It facilitates positive change in Moodle core
* Allowing different roles in Moodle to "cross-over" in a comfortable way
* Better understanding of what MoodleNet is
* Incentive based engagement
* Share ideas on how to use Moodle
=== Fears ===
=== Dreams ===
* Affinity group responses

Latest revision as of 10:36, 16 November 2017

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Note: this project has moved to the Dev wiki