Talk:Using Assignment

From MoodleDocs

Reply to Mira from Mary

Hi there This looks fine to me; please feel free to add it to the docs :) --Mary Cooch (talk) 16:59, 7 August 2016 (AWST)

Hello, For 3.6 Controlling when to notify students of graded work, I wanted to propose the following, but would appreciate feedback before I put it on the live page.

3.6 Releasing grades and notifying students

If you need to keep your marks and feedback hidden from students until marking is finalised, and then release them to all students at the same time, there are two alternatives.

The first is to hide the item in the Gradebook. This way is best if there is only one marker and no exceptional circumstances (i.e. you don't need to keep any students' marks hidden). Use it as follows:

  1. In your Moodle course Settings, click on Grades; the Grades page displays.
  2. Click View, then Grader report; a grid of participants and gradeable items displays.
  3. Find the column for the assignment (Grade item) whose grades you wish to hide, and click its Eye/Hide icon; the Eye icon displays with a strikethrough which means the grades are hidden from students.
  4. To reveal the grades to students, you can either:
    1. remind yourself to return here and click the Eye/Show icon again; when it displays without the strikethrough the grades will be shown to students. With this option you need to remember to change the setting at the time.
    2. or if you prefer to set a time for the grades to be automatically revealed, click on the Cog/Edit icon to display settings for that grade item, then click the Show more link to display extra settings. For Hidden until click its checkbox and configure its date. With this option you need to get your marking done on time (or remember to come in and change the date to give yourself more time).
  5. To notify students that marks and feedback are available, use e.g. the Announcements forum.

Another way to release at the same time to is to enable Use marking workflow in the Assignment's settings. This way is best where there are multiple markers and/or exceptional circumstances causing you to withhold some marks. Use it as follows:

  1. Set up your assignment with Marking Workflow enabled (avoid enabling it after marking has started).
  2. When ready to release marks, click on a link to your Assignment and from its summary page click View all submissions; a page with the Grading Table displays.
  3. Scroll down to Options and ensure Quick grading is enabled by clicking its checkbox; the page reloads with some extra options.
  4. Also in Options, configure Assignments per page to display all your assignments, or as many as possible.
  5. Scroll back up again and click the checkbox in the column heading Select; all records display selected (and you can deselect any individual records you may need to keep hidden).
  6. From the With selected... menu choose Set marking workflow state, then click Go, and confirm if prompted; the Marking workflow state menu displays on a page.
  7. From the Marking workkflow state menu, choose Released.
  8. To have Moodle send students a notification that marks and feedback are available, set Notify students to Yes.
  9. Finally Save changes.

--Mira Vogel (talk) 01:07, 6 August 2016 (AWST)