Ordering question type

From MoodleDocs


The ordering question type displays several short sentences in a random order which are to be dragged into the correct sequential order. It was developed for the ordering questions used in the Reader activity module for Moodle 2.x and 3.x

Moodle versions available

From Moodle 2.0 to 3.x

Translations available

This plugin is currently translated into:

  • cs Czech
  • de German
  • es Español internacional
  • es_mx Español de México
  • eu Basque
  • fr French
  • he Hebrew
  • pl Polish
  • pt Português
  • ru Russian
  • zh_tw Chinese (Traditional/Big5)




  • You must first write the question name and the question text:

Ordering question 01.png

  • You can choose whether you want a vertical or a horizontal layout

Ordering question 02.png

  • It is very important that you choose the best grading type for your educational goals. You must choose the one that will better assess your students:

Ordering question 03.png

  • You must write in order all the items:

Ordering question 04.png

  • If you will allow multiple tries, you can write the hints:

Ordering question 05.png

  • If you are using Tags you can write/choose them here:

Ordering question 06.png

What the student sees

  • The student will see a jumbled list of items. The student needs to drag and drop the items until the list is in the correct order:

Ordering question 07.png

  • If the student misplaced items, they will be marked red

Ordering question 08.png

  • It may be important to have a proper feedback sentence explaining what went wrong (if anything)

Ordering question 09.png

External links

  • MoodleFormulas where you can try some examples of the Ordering question type.