StudentQuiz module
StudentQuiz module | |
Type | Activity |
Set | N/A |
Downloads | |
Issues | |
Discussion | |
Maintainer(s) | Frank Koch |
This documentation is meant for everyone interested in the usage, management, and development of the StudentQuiz Moodle Plugin.
StudentQuiz is an optional plugin listed in the official Moodle Plugin Directory. While Moodle’s Quiz module allows teachers to define quizzes to be answered by students with a variety of question types, StudentQuiz moves one step further allowing students to contribute to the pool of questions related to the course. StudentQuiz can be configured to award points for contribution and participation by students and allows techers to moderate the question pool by approving or deleting unsuitable or wrong question. StudentQuiz enables students to rate and optionally comment the questions they answered, awarding the creator of the question with additional points.
StudentQuiz provides comprehensive filters to let students focus on the questions they need to work the hardest on.
Student Manual
Your teacher has created one or more StudentQuiz activities in the moodle course you are enrolled in. This manual explains the way you can use StudentQuiz activities to practice for exams or to revise course material, how to contribute to the question pool and the formulas used to calculate your score and rank among your fellow students.
Open Studentquiz
To open a StudentQuiz go to your course. StudentQuiz activities are always represented with a StudentQuiz icon.
Click on the desired StudentQuiz activity to open it. Now you are in the main view of this StudentQuiz.
If none has contributed any question yet, you only see a button to add a new question.
See contribute for more information about contributing a question.
As soon as more than one question was contributed before, the question bank displays all of them on the bottom half of the view.
As a student, you have several actions that can be performed on this screen.
- Create a new question with “Create new question” button
- Filter questions with the filter form
- De-/select questions by check-marking them
- Practice all selected questions with the “Start Quiz” button
- Sort questions by the different column headers
- Preview, edit or delete your own questions
Table information
The table of this view has various columns with different information:
- Checkbox, represents the check column. You can de-/select questions to practice them
- T, stands for Type and displays an image of the question type used for the given question
- Approved, shows whether a teacher has approved the question or not (✗ = not approved, ✓ = approved)
- Question, shows the question name
- Actions, doesn’t have a title, but it will show different icons depending the available actions (preview, edit, delete)
- Created by, shows the question creator and the creation date. This field may be anonymized and not show the creator’s name
- Tags, shows tags assigned to a question
- My Attempts, shows the number of times this question has been answered and if the last attempt was correct or not
- Difficulty, shows the difficulty of the particular questions, based on answers (from 0 = very simple to 1 = very difficult) * The amount of bolts is the difficulty for you (from 0 = very simple to 5 = very difficult) * The blue bar in the background is the difficulty for the crowd (from 0% = very simple to 100% = very difficult)
- Rating, shows ratings of a questions. * The amount of stars is the rating you’ve given (from 0 = very poor to 5 = very good) * The blue bar in the background is the rating of the crowd (from 0% = very poor to 100% = very good)
- Comments, shows the number of comments that have been made on that question
Filter questions
On the upper half a filter section provides various selectors to filter the questions below. This is especially recommended when a lot of questions have been added to this StudentQuiz.
Use the filter and the checkboxes to select the questions you want to practice now.
Start a quiz
As soon as you are happy with your selection hit the “Start Quiz” button.
StudentQuiz will now instantiate a Quiz with your selected questions for you.
When ever you answer a question you are required to rate the question on a scale of 1 to 5 stars.
Your teacher might have given you some guidelines based on what criteria you should rate the questions.
The author of the question will recieve award points based on your rating.
See score to learn more about the award points.
As a student you can contribute in various ways to the question pool of the StudentQuiz Activity in your course.
- Add a new question
- Comment a question of someone else
- Rate a question of somesone else.
Adding a question
To create a question, use the “Create new question” button. You can select from a variety of questions types, depending on what your teacher has configured:
Commenting a question
If you practice on a question and the question is checked, it shows the answer and any feedback.
You can discuss the solution or the question in the comments. They won’t be shown to someone who hasen’t answered the question yet.
Your teacher can decide, whether your name will is displayed or anonymized as the author of the comment.
For more information about your score and ranking see _score.
Rating a question
If you practice on a question and the question is checked, it shows the answer and any feedback.
You will be asked to rate each question you answered for it’s usefulness and suitability for you. Your teacher might have given you some guidance on what is considered to be a good question, but in the end it is you and your fellow students enrolled in the class that define the rating of the questions within StudentQuiz.
The StudentQuiz provides students with two different reports which can be viewed in the navigation:
The statistics report gives you an overview of your progress and your community progress within the StudentQuiz Activity:
The rank table is used to motivate students to challenge each other.
Teacher Manual
Your Moodle administrator has installed the StudentQuiz Plugin to your school’s Moodle Website. This guide explains how to configure a StudentQuiz activity to be added into your course, how you can encourage and moderate your students to contribute question to the question pool, what statistics you can draw from your students activties and how you can recycle the question pool of one course to another.
Create a StudentQuiz Activity
Creating a StudentQuiz activity has no difference to other activities. Go to your course and press on the “Turn editing on” button. Choose your topic where you want the new Student-Quiz activity and press “+ Add an activity or resource” on the right side.
Choose StudentQuiz and press “Add”. Give a name to the new activity. The Advanced settings is important. You have some options that you can configure
Configure a StudentQuiz Activity
- Make students anonymous
- This will prevent students from seeing the names of the question’s author. However, students will still see their own names on questions they created themselves. Teachers will always see the creator’s names.
- Created question factor
- Points for each created question
- Approved question factor
- Points for each approved question
- Rating factor
- Points for each star received
- Latest correct answer factor
- Points for each correct answer on the last attempt
- Latest wrong answer factor
- Points for each wrong or partially wrong answer on the last attempt
- Allowed question types
- Here you can specify which types of questions are allowed
Removing a StudentQuiz Activity
Removing a StudentQuiz Activity can be done the same way as removing any other Moodle Activities. Go to your course and click on the “Turn editing on” button. Choose the StudentQuiz Activity you want to remove and press “Edit -> Delete”.
Main View
In the main view, students can only preview, edit or delete their own questions. Teachers and teachers on the other hand can preview, edit and delete all questions. Additionally, the approved column has turned into clickable links, which allows teachers to un-/approve questions.
In the submenu “Statistics”, teachers can view their own statistics and see the community statistics.
On the “Ranking” page teachers can see all students progress, not only Top 10 as the students have. Each student is shown with its total points, how the points are contributed and the personal progress.
Question bank
As a teacher, you get access to all question bank functions using the question bank in the StudentQuiz activity.
Its main purpose is to get overview of all questions, for importing or exporting whole sets of questions and possibly to move around questions between categories. This view should not be used to edit questions, as it won’t notify students of the applied changes.
StudentQuiz loads all questions from its question category and its subcategories. Thus you can also move questions into subcategories of the StudentQuiz question category to organise the questions to your liking.
Use the question bank in the StudentQuiz activity, otherwise you won’t be in the context of StudentQuiz and you can’t see its question categories.
Administrator Manual
You are the Moodle administrator maintaining the moodle installation of your institution. This guide explains the relevant procedures of installation and upgrades as well as the process of an uninstalling StudentQuiz.
Download StudentQuiz from the Moodle Plugin Directory and install by going to the ‘Site administration -> Plugins -> Install’ plugins page. You can try StudentQuiz without installing on the StudentQuiz Demo Page.
Manually, the same steps as install.
Moodle also provides you a hint when there are new versions, once you logged in as admin or when you Open ‘Site administration > Notifications’
Note: We highly recommend you to read the release notes on github for more insights about the changes. |
You can setup the points used by the ranking table, but these are just site wide default values. The teacher can always overwrite them during creation of a StudentQuiz or when editing a StudentQuiz.
For more information about the ranking table look at the Teacher Manual about Evaluating and Student Manual about Scores.
Note: Make sure all the questions have been backed up! One way to do this is to export them usind the moodle question bank, as removing or uninstalling the StudentQuiz activity also removes all questions in the same context. |
To uninstall the StudentQuiz Activity follow the navigation as follows: “Site administration -> Plugins -> Plugins overview”
Look for StudentQuiz and click “Uninstall”.
If “Uninstall” is not available, it means you’re using the deprecated StudentQuiz Question Behaviour plugin prior to StudentQuiz 3.0. Remove the Question Behaviour plugin by deleting the directory your_moodle_directory/question/behaviour/studentquiz.
- Moodle Plugin Directory Page for StudentQuiz Plugin
- Github Repository of StudentQuiz Plugin
- Continuous Integration
- Live Demo Sandbox of StudentQuiz
- StudenQuiz demo video in YouTube
See also
- Hot Question - a Moodle plugin that can be used to better understand topics that a group collectively want to know more about. You ask participants to submit questions, or responses to a prompt, for example a recorded lecture, a topical issue, readings, revision class etc. Participants can then submit questions related to that topic, which appear in an ordered list (newest questions appear first). Participants then 'rate' other's questions by clicking a Thumbs Up icon - this gives the question / response heat. The more votes, the hotter the question and the higher up the list it will appear.