Installations 30000 plus
From MoodleDocs
- Federal Ministry of Education - education highway: Free Moodle for Austrian schools.
- 26.000 courses - 230.000 users - 1.711 schools - 2 hosting centers, about 15 servers, shared moodle sources
Moodle 2.x:
Moodle 1.9:
- Escola de Administração Fazendária - ESAF Hospeda mais de 1.770 cursos, com 69.883 Estudantes e 1.869 Tutores (em 01/08/2010), atendendo a vários segmentos do serviço público do Brasil.
- Universidade de Brasília - 66,587 users (04/30/2009)
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- Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie - 43,237 users (25/06/2009)
Czech Republic
- Charles University in Prague - ~50,000 Users (July 2014)
- FernUniversität Hagen - ~75,000 Users (June 2013)
- Technische Universität München (April 2015): ~60 000 Users, ~2500 courses per semester, Moodle 2.8.5.
- InfoSapienza - University of Rome La Sapienza InfoSapienza's Moodle hosts more than 700 courses for about 48.000 students from about 25 faculties, ranging from enginering scientific courses to literature and medicine. (April, 9th 2009)
- AulaWeb - University of Genoa AulaWeb is an university-wide installation of Moodle, organized in virtual instances, one for each laurea degree. In July 2013, it has over 34000 users, 1670 courses and 20 sites (in virtual hosting).
- KS Learning KS Learning is the national component for sharing knowledge and competence building for employees in Local and Regional authorities in Norway. It is currently used by over 114000 employees, and over 100 Local and Regional authorities are in the process of making use of the solution.
- Laerdal Medical Laerdal Medical has set up two Moodle installations for The Norwegian Resuscitation Council and The Swedish Resuscitation Council respectively. Together we now host 102 000 users in 5 different courses in the area of Resuscitation and Acute Care. It is estimated that by the end of 2013 the sites will have close to 200 000 users. (October, 17th 2012)
Saudi Arabia
- NCEL - the Saudi Arabian National Centre for E-learning and Distance Learning, an agency established by the Saudi Arabian government runs a Moodle site with 2 million users supported by the Moodle Partner Catalyst IT
South Africa
- Liberty Life in Johannesburg runs an instance of Moodle as its institutional LMS, the Wealth Learning University, with 41,000+ registered users as of January 2012.
- Universidad del Pais Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU): . 34.000 users and 1.650 teachers (different) in aprox. 3.650 courses. Our University have 50.000 students, 3.500 teachers. We started with Moodle 1.6 (four years ago) as a test pilot project for a small number of courses. Currently we are using version 1.9 (since 2009, February) with LDAP authentication.
- Departament d'Enseyament de la Generalitat de Catalunya: . 400.000 users and 1.400 schools. We started with Moodle 1.6 (four years ago) as a test pilot project for a small number of courses. Currently we are using version 1.9 (since 2009, February) with LDAP authentication.
- Departament d'Enseyament de la Generalitat de Catalunya: . 47.000 users and 2.400 courses. Online teacher formation platform.
- More then 63,000 users - 33,000 users login in one day(Max)
United Kingdom
- The UK's Open University, a world leading institution and innovator in distance learning based in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire is one of the world's largest Moodle users with over 100,000 students on their main installation, and two other public Moodles: and
United States
- San Francisco State University (SFSU) - 89,543 users (02/07/2008). Among these 89K users, about 35,430 users are considered as currently active.
- University of Minnesota (UofM)
- For AY12-13 (Moodle 2.2) Approximately 145,000 user accounts in 16,784 course sites
- For AY13-14 (Moodle 2.4) Approximately 83,500 user accounts in 13,302 course sites
- Pinellas County Schools - 71,864 registered users who have logged in and created profiles. Over 9,000 course sites that are used for everything from K12 virtual instruction to teacher professional development.
- Universidad de la República (UdelaR). - 5,000 curse sites - 100,180 users (08/18/2014).