eLeDia Webservicesuite
eLeDia Webservicesuite | |
Type | Local |
Set | N/A |
Downloads | https://moodle.org/plugins/view.php?plugin=local_eledia_webservicesuite |
Issues | https://tracker.moodle.org/browse/CONTRIB-5010 |
Discussion | |
Maintainer(s) | Benjamin Wolf |
This plugin provides new webservice functions for moodle.
- Make sure you have all the required versions.
- Download the eLeDia Webservicesuite plugin.
- Unzip it into your moodle/local/ directory.
- Login to you moodle as Administrator and go to Site administration -> Notifications to trigger the installation process.
For more information see Installing contributed modules or plugins.
The new functions appear within the moodle webservice function list after installation. The functions definition can be found within the API Documentation in Site Administration/Plugins/Web Services.
List of functions:
- elediaservice_update_users_by_idnumber => updates the submittet user profile identified by idnumber
- elediaservice_enrol_users_by_idnumber => enrolls users in the given courses, users and courses are identified by idnumber
- elediaservice_get_courses_by_idnumber => returns a course object according to the given idnumber
- elediaservice_update_courses_by_idnumber => updates a course object according to the given idnumber
- elediaservice_get_user_by_idnumber => returns a list of users object according to the given idnumbers
- elediaservice_unenrol_users_by_idnumber => enrolls a list of users from the given enrollment in the given courses, user and courses identified by idnumber
- elediaservice_course_completion => returns the completion information for the user with the given idnumber and the course with the given idnumber
- elediaservice_get_user_by_mail => DEPRECATED: use core_user_get_users_by_field instead
- elediaservice_get_users_by_idnumber => DEPRECATED: use core_user_get_users_by_field instead
eLeDia - E-Learning im Dialog GmbH
Mail: info@eledia.de
See Also
Modules & Plugins database entry
You can also find the code on Github.
NOTE: In Github we use an empty master branch. The different plugin versions can be found in special branches for each Moodle version.