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Talk:Cool Course Competition

From MoodleDocs

Hi Helen. I wonder if you should specify (or not specify!)that only the standard Moodle modules should be used in the competiton courses? Otherwise some people might be at an unfair advantage if they have access to all manner of extra plugins that others don't? Mary.

Thanks Mary, good point. I've added the following competition rule:
--Helen Foster 18:31, 12 July 2009 (UTC)


We need to specify that all included content is either open source or creative commons licensed. Explictly licensing that gives us the right to use and copy it. Martin Dougiamas 08:30, 12 October 2009 (UTC)

Thanks, text amended accordingly. --Helen Foster 10:17, 12 October 2009 (UTC)

Course issues

The following is a list of issues encountered when attempting to restore courses to

  • Course includes user data or course users by mistake
  • Course doesn't include required 3 different types of activity
  • Course uses contributed code e.g. Questionnaire module, contributed question types (resulting in course failing to restore)
  • Course creator doesn't agree (by ticking checkboxes) to statements regarding licensing
  • Course contains inappropriate HTML tags
  • Broken links