Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.2. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle is probably available here: Moodle Mobile language strings customisation.

Moodle Mobile language strings customisation

From MoodleDocs

Words and phrases displayed in the app can be customised via the "Custom language strings" (customlangstrings) setting in Administration > Site administration > Mobile app > Mobile features (You may have to install the Moodle Mobile Additional Features plugin if this option is not available in your menu. Details are found here: [1]

Enter each custom language string on a new line with format: string identifier, custom language string and language code, separated by pipe characters. For example:


For a complete list of string identifiers see this file:

There, in each line at the left (before the colons), is the string identifier. See the following example:

Mobile string identifiers list examples.png

In the same line, at the right of the colons is the language string (in this case in English)