Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.2. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle is probably available here: portfolio. portfolio

From MoodleDocs

Enabling the Flickr portfolio (admin settings)

  • Go to Administration>Site administration>Advanced features and enable portfolios
  • Go to Administration > Site administration > Plugins > Portfolios > Manage Portfolios;
  • Select from the drop down next to Flickr "Enabled and visible"


  • Click the "Settings" link and -if desired -give the Flickr portfolio a new name
  • Log in to Flickr and apply for a new API key, using the link provided on the Settings page.


  • A screen will appear with a key and a "secret".


  • Copy both and paste into the boxes on the Settings page.
  • Go back to the Flickr screen and click on "edit auth flow for this app"
  • Click "Select app type" and choose "web application"
  • Into the "Callback URL" box, paste the URL you are given on your Flickr Settings page and save.
  • Save the Settings.

Sending/"pushing" an image to Flickr

  • You can export to Flickr images attached to forum posts or uploaded in assignments, for example.
  • The image will have an arrow icon next to it.Click this to export to
  • If other portfolios have been enabled, choose from the dropdown menu.If not, then it will be your only choice!


  • Click "Next"
  • If you have not logged in before you will be asked for permission to connect to Flickr.
  • Give authorisation and on the next screen, choose your sharing and privacy options:
  • Click "Next" and confirm your settings:
  • You will receive a message "export complete". Clicking "Continue" will take you - if you wish - to your Flickr account.


See also

  • MDL-59645 - Flickr authentication flow stopped working - fixed in Moodle 3.2.6 onwards