Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.11. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: Site registration.

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e-book yang pernah aku baca ini mungkin perlu juga saudara-saudaraku mencoba membaca.
{{Managing a Moodle site}}
Keajaiban Titik Nol
Dokter angkat tangan dan pasien 1 pun memulai kehidupan yang 'sumbing'. Ia mesti menenteng tabung oksigen kemana-mana sebab dadanya kerap digodam sesat hebat. Biang keladinya : Bronchitis akut. Penyakit paru tak hanya memikul berat badan pasien, juga memaksa dia meneguk 12 jenis obat selama setahun. Lusinan ramuan kimia dari apotek bagai gak  bertuah sebab diakui pasien dalam buku Quantum Ikhlas karya Erbe Sentanu, penyakitnya bersifat psikosomatis. Tidak berasal dari serbuan virus atau bakteri, melainkan berasal dari pikiran. Dokter menyuruh dia menyembuhkan luka batinnya dulu jika ingin pulih.
==Why register my site?==
Registering your site gives us a better picture of how Moodle is used worldwide and helps us make decisions about new features and plugins.
==4 reasons to register==
# Stay up to date by email whenever there are new releases of Moodle or security alerts.
# Be part of the [ statistics of the worldwide community].
# List your site on our [ list of registered sites in your country]. (But if you want to keep it private, that's fine too!)
# Make use of the messaging server for [[Moodle app notifications]].
==How about security?==
We don't share your information with anyone. We don't go into your site. We use the aggregated anonymous data to publish the statistics of the worldwide community and use the other data to help us in our decision making around new features and plugins.
==How do I register?==
Register your site by logging in as an administrator and going to ''Site administration / Registration''. If you're not the admin, ask them nicely to check!
==I don’t want my details public==
Your registration is private to us unless you choose to make it public.
==Do I have to register? What happens if I don’t?==
Registration is optional, but we wouldn't want you to miss out on any important security issues or upgrades and put your site at risk. The more people who register, the better a picture we get of how Moodle is used and which aspects we can improve. So registering is a win-win for you as well as for us.

Pasien ke dua akhirnya pulih. Dibekap frustasi selama 7 tahun, yang berujung rontoknya kuliah dia pada sebuah PTN ternama di salah satu kota  dan sering sakit-sakitan pula, mantan bintang kelas SMA ini kemudian sukses meretas kuldesak -jalan buntu- kehidupannya. Ia melakoni satu hal : 'detoksifikasi' hati. Ia buang seluruh racun masa lalunya. Ia gulung film-film negatif masa mendatang. Ia mengatakan : "Saya serahkan diri saya seluruhnya kepada Sang Pemilik diri saya".
However, if you only want to use Moodle for testing things out then you don't need to put your site online and you don't need to register it.
==I can’t register my site!==
Only sites which are online can be registered. If your site is online and you have problems registering, please use the [ contact form].

Ikhlas. Kembali ke titik nol. Hasilnya? sebuah paradoks. Sikap ikhlas - yang sebelumnya ia anggap sebagai simbol kelemahan- justru memberinya kekuatan luar biasa. Dalam ikhlas kata pasien dua ia justru merasa lebih perkasa dalam menguasai diri. Tidak mudah gelisah. Lebih kebal.
If you encounter a problem updating your registration, please try un-registering then re-registering your site. To un-register your site, click the ‘Unregister’ link at the bottom of the Registration page.

Kuncinya adalah manakala kita memasrahkan segala sesuatunya pada Tuhan, saat itu pula pupus segala cemas. Kita menjadi lebih kuat. Mengapa? karena urusan kita sudah diserahkan kepada Sang Maha Berkehendak. "Biarlah Dia yang mengatur. Kita yang melaksanakan keinginan-Nya. Sebab, bukankah Dia juga Maha Pemberi Petunjuk?" ujar pasien dua.
Note that it can take a while before your site is listed so please be patient.

Apakah itu berarti pasrah? disinilah uniknya. Ketika terasuk rasa ikhlas, secara otomatis, pasien dua merasa intuisinya meningkat tajam. Lebih bijaksana. Lebih mengenal diri sendiri. Lebih cerdas. Lebih kreatif. Dan pada gilirannya : lebih produktif. "Sekarang pasien dua sudah bisa bekerja di perusahaan asuransi," tutur dia semangat. Selamat tinggal jelaga masa lalu!
=== "You are trying to register a site with a URL that was previously used by a registered site" ===
Get in touch via the [ contact form] with information about your site URL.
=== I can't register because I get the message "Your site is already registered" ===
Get in touch via the the [ contact form] with information about your site URL and we will delete the original registration. '''Note:''' Sites on subdomains should be able to register, unless your site was created by copying the database of another site. (See MDLSITE-4141).

Belakangan pasien 1 juga mengucapkan sayonara untuk penyakit bronchitis akutnya. Hanya sikap ikhlas - bukan lusinan obat kimia- yang kuasa menanggalkan siksa radang parunya. Pasien 1 kini tak mesti memboyong tabung oksigen kemana-mana. "Pasien 1 baru tahu semua penyakit datang dari pikiran".
=== I get the error 403 ===
This is not a Moodle error but an Apache configuration error that your hosts need to solve. If you are hosting the site yourself, then you can get support from the [ Moodle community forums].

Menurut peulis buku Quantum Ikhlas, Erbe Sentanu, dalam kondisi ikhlas, otak memproduksi hormon serotonin dan endorfin yang menyebabkan seseorang merasa nyaman, tenang dan bahagia. Dalam zona ikhlas, bermekaranlah pelbagai energi positif: rasa syukur, sabar dan termasuk fokus. "Kita pun merasa penuh tenaga".
=== I get the error 404 ===
See [ "Register my site function not working"] Moodle forum post.
=== I get the error 500 ===
Site registration does not work if  the/admin/ folder is moved and $CFG->admin is set in config.php to something other than 'admin'. See MDLSITE-5237
=== I get the error 503 ===
One reason might be that you are using CloudFlare for protection. Make sure you allow traffic from the AWS EU region, as you will need to whitelist If you need a more specific IP address, , get in touch via via the [ contact form].

Energi ikhlas ini kemudian menyebar ke setiap jengkal tubuh. Membikin imunitas tubuh meningkat, pembuluh darah terbuka lebar, detak jantung stabil dan kapasitas indera meningkat. Orang ikhlas, ujar Erbe "sehat jiwa dan fisiknya". Ikhlas, karenanya adalah kunci bagi kebahagiaan.
=== "An error occurred during registration update (Invalid token - token not found)" ===
Try unregistering your site yourself by clicking the Unregister link at the bottom of the registration page. If that does not work, get in touch via the [ contact form] and we will unregister your site.
=== "An error occurred during registration, please try again later. (Coding error detected...)" ===
Try unregistering your site yourself by clicking the Unregister link at the bottom of the registration page. If that does not work, get in touch via the [ contact form] and we will unregister your site.
=== "The hub cannot access your site" ===
* Your site must be on the internet to register; we cannot connect to "localhost".
* If your site is behind a secure connection, we cannot connect to it to register. (However, you could open it up for a short time, register and then close it again)
* Make sure there are no firewalls preventing access to the Moodle server. Sites need to  accept traffic from Amazon EU networks in order to register.
* If you have tried all of the above and still cannot register, get in touch via the [ contact form]

Jika kita meneropong lewat EEG (elektroensefalogram), kata Erbe, tampak bahwa otak memancarkan gelombang sesuai kondisi jiwa seseorang. Dimanakah kebahagiaan? teknologi mutakhir menunjukan : rasa bahagia membentang antara panjang gelombang alfa (8 Hz-13,9 Hz)  dan theta (4 Hz-7,9 Hz) pada otak. Inilah zona ikhlas. Pada frekwensi alfa adalah orang-orang yang sedang rileks, melamun atau berkhayal. Anak-anak balita frekwensinya selalu berada pada posisi alfa - karenanya mereka selalu jujur, polos dan tak pernah larut bersedih. Orang yang otaknya berada pada frekwensi theta, pikirannya menjadi amat kreatif dan inspiratif, lebih khusyu, rileks yang dalam, hening dan amat intuitif.
==See also==
* [ Annoying restored test Moodle] forum discussion about a test site and registration
Semakin pandai anda menyetel frekwensi alfa atau theta di otak anda, kata Erber, semakin mudah hidup anda. Frekwensi ini memang menawarkan kelezatan hidup sesungguhnya : rasa syukur dan nyaman. Karena itulah menurut dia, jelas sudah bahwa ukuran sukses (kebahagiaan) sebetulnya amat ditentukan oleh keberhasilan merasakan pikiran bahagia. Itu saja. Untuk itu, kebahagian sebenarnya tak perlu dicari-cari apalagi lewat kelimpahan materi.
* MDLSITE-6267 Registration regularly fails with invalid token not found on a 3.9 site
[[Category:Site administration]]
"Manakala tahu gelombangnya, mudah bagi kita menemukan zona kebahagiaan itu," tutur Erbe. Dan jangan enteng sikap ikhlas ini. Pengalaman pasien 2 menunjukan: sekali kita melangkah menuju zona ikhas, kita bakal terdorong menjadi orang baik, - menjauhi prasangka dan selalu berpikir positif. Nah dari sinilah garis tangan anda mulai bergeser.
[[de:Moodle-Site registrieren]]
[[es:Registro del sitio]]
Dengan berpikir positif maka hal-hal positif akan menghampiri kita. Demikan sebaliknya. Itulah yang disebut Daya Tarik Menarik (The Universal Law of Attraction) yang memiliki penjelasan ilmiahnya dalam fisika kuantum. Dan kita, menurut Erbe, adalah apa yang kita pikirkan (positif atau negatif).
[[it:Registrazione del sito]]
[[ja: サイト登録]]
Usai menikah selama enam tahun, Erbe akhirnya divonis dokter aspermatozoa, tak bisa memiliki keturunan. Dan Erbe menyikapinya -meski awalnya tentu terkejut- dengan ikhlas. "Mengucapkan alhamdulilah dalam hati memberi saya ketenangan dan kekuatan," ujarnya.
[[fr:Enregistrement du site]]
Tapi kemudian ikhlas memiliki logikanya sendiri. Dalam penyerahan diri kepada Tuhan, Erbe membayangkan bahwa suatu hari ia akan dikaruniai buah hati. Visualisasi itu dilakukannya dalam kondisi otak alfa -berada di zona ikhlas- secara tekun dan tawakal.
Hingga suatu hari ia berkonsultasi dengan dokter. Sembari memandangi hasil laboratorium Erbe, dokter tersebut menggelengkan kepala. "Ini tidak mungkin. Dari nol persen (spermatozoa) menjadi 30 persen dalam tiga minggu? tidak mungkin". Kini Erbe memiliki putra bernam Shankaara Premaswara.

Latest revision as of 09:24, 23 January 2023


Why register my site?

Registering your site gives us a better picture of how Moodle is used worldwide and helps us make decisions about new features and plugins.

4 reasons to register

  1. Stay up to date by email whenever there are new releases of Moodle or security alerts.
  2. Be part of the statistics of the worldwide community.
  3. List your site on our list of registered sites in your country. (But if you want to keep it private, that's fine too!)
  4. Make use of the messaging server for Moodle app notifications.

How about security?

We don't share your information with anyone. We don't go into your site. We use the aggregated anonymous data to publish the statistics of the worldwide community and use the other data to help us in our decision making around new features and plugins.

How do I register?

Register your site by logging in as an administrator and going to Site administration / Registration. If you're not the admin, ask them nicely to check!

I don’t want my details public

Your registration is private to us unless you choose to make it public.

Do I have to register? What happens if I don’t?

Registration is optional, but we wouldn't want you to miss out on any important security issues or upgrades and put your site at risk. The more people who register, the better a picture we get of how Moodle is used and which aspects we can improve. So registering is a win-win for you as well as for us.

However, if you only want to use Moodle for testing things out then you don't need to put your site online and you don't need to register it.

I can’t register my site!

Only sites which are online can be registered. If your site is online and you have problems registering, please use the contact form.

If you encounter a problem updating your registration, please try un-registering then re-registering your site. To un-register your site, click the ‘Unregister’ link at the bottom of the Registration page.

Note that it can take a while before your site is listed so please be patient.

"You are trying to register a site with a URL that was previously used by a registered site"

Get in touch via the contact form with information about your site URL.

I can't register because I get the message "Your site is already registered"

Get in touch via the the contact form with information about your site URL and we will delete the original registration. Note: Sites on subdomains should be able to register, unless your site was created by copying the database of another site. (See MDLSITE-4141).

I get the error 403

This is not a Moodle error but an Apache configuration error that your hosts need to solve. If you are hosting the site yourself, then you can get support from the Moodle community forums.

I get the error 404

See "Register my site function not working" Moodle forum post.

I get the error 500

Site registration does not work if the/admin/ folder is moved and $CFG->admin is set in config.php to something other than 'admin'. See MDLSITE-5237

I get the error 503

One reason might be that you are using CloudFlare for protection. Make sure you allow traffic from the AWS EU region, as you will need to whitelist If you need a more specific IP address, , get in touch via via the contact form.

"An error occurred during registration update (Invalid token - token not found)"

Try unregistering your site yourself by clicking the Unregister link at the bottom of the registration page. If that does not work, get in touch via the contact form and we will unregister your site.

"An error occurred during registration, please try again later. (Coding error detected...)"

Try unregistering your site yourself by clicking the Unregister link at the bottom of the registration page. If that does not work, get in touch via the contact form and we will unregister your site.

"The hub cannot access your site"

  • Your site must be on the internet to register; we cannot connect to "localhost".
  • If your site is behind a secure connection, we cannot connect to it to register. (However, you could open it up for a short time, register and then close it again)
  • Make sure there are no firewalls preventing access to the Moodle server. Sites need to accept traffic from Amazon EU networks in order to register.
  • If you have tried all of the above and still cannot register, get in touch via the contact form

See also