Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.11. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: Backup of user data.

Talk:Backup of user data

From MoodleDocs

The documentation states, "To do this Moodle also includes the relevant user accounts as well, in order that data consistency can be maintained when the backup is restored on a different Moodle site." -- I recently discovered that the term 'relevant' is slightly confusing. I was searching for an answer to the question "When I create a backup in Moodle 2+ does the entire user database become a part of that backup, or is it just the users within the course?" It was interpreted that 'relevant' does mean the users who are enrolled in a particular course and assumed that it meant all users enrolled in a particular course no matter their status (active, suspended, not active or otherwise). Could the documentation be updated to reflect exactly what relevant means?