Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.11. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: Manage users.

Manage users

From MoodleDocs

Note: See Add new users to learn how to create accounts on your site.

  • Administrators on a Moodle site can see and do everything. Choose your admins wisely!
  • All new users who log into Moodle have a role “authenticated user”. They must be added to courses as students or teachers. They don't have the role sitewide. Make sure you understand the idea of 'context' in roles
  • Moodle has a number of standard roles such as Teacher and Student.
  • Permissions are a collection of capabilities (things a role is allowed to do) You can change, give or remove capabilities for roles to adapt them to your needs.

View and edit your users

  1. Log in with your administrator account
  2. From the left panel (the Navigation drawer) click Site administration
  3. Click the Users tab
  4. From the Accounts section, click Browse list of users
  5. From here you can view and edit existing accounts on your site.

View and edit standard roles

  1. Log in with your administrator account
  2. From the left panel (the Navigation drawer) click Site administration
  3. Click the Users tab
  4. From the Permissions tab, click Define roles
  5. Click the Edit icon next to a role to change its name or capabilities (what the role can or can't do)

Note: No need to change any roles if you are not confident!

Helpful video