IMS Common Cartridge import and export
IMS Common Cartridge import
IMS Common Cartridge packages can be imported into Moodle using the same process as for Course restore. Click the Restore link via the Actions menu (cog icon) if using Boost or via the Administration block if using Clean.
Troubleshooting tips
Occasionally you may have problems with packages from some other systems (Blackboard 9.1 is one example). In these cases try running the package through the IMS CC validator to check it for errors. The validator can also fix some of the errors.
IMS Common Cartridge export
A course can be exported as an IMS Common Cartridge as follows:
- Click the Backup link via the Actions menu (cog icon) if using Boost or via the Administration block if using Clean.
- Tick the 'IMS Common Cartridge 1.1' checkbox in the backup settings
- Go through the backup steps
- Complete - Click the Continue button
An IMS CC (with distinctive .imscc extension to avoid confusion with .zip files) is then saved in the private user backup area.
Note: Currently the ONLY activities that can be exported to IMS CC are as follows:
- Forum
- Label
- IMS LTI activity (external tool)
- Page resource
- Quiz (partial support)
- URL resource