Activity backup
From MoodleDocs
Backing up individual activities
- It is possible to make a copy or backup of individual activities in a Moodle course and then re-use these activities in a different Moodle site or in a different course on the same Moodle. (Note that if you wish to re-use activities within the same Moodle it might be simpler to use the import function. See Import course data for information on how to do this.
- To make a backup of an activity, ensure you are logged in with editing rights, as a teacher for example, and click on the activity you wish to backup. Click the 'Backup' link from the gear menu (Boost theme - 1) or from the Administration block (other themes - 2):
- In the next screen, check/tick the type of item you wish to backup - for example, 'activities and resources'.
- Click Next and on the next screen, check the activity you wish to backup - in this case, an assignment:
- Click Next and on the next screen, if you wish, rename the filename (keeping its .mbz extension), check you have included the correct activity and click Perform backup.
- You will get a message saying the backup file was successfully created. Click Continue and you will find your backup in the User Private backup area of the next screen:
- You can download your file from here and then restore it to a course in another Moodle site. See Activity restore for information on how to do this.
NOTE: For security reasons, those with the teacher role are not able to backup user information belonging to activities so there will be a red cross and padlock next to any user information.
Backing up whole courses
- It is also possible to make a copy or backup of a whole course and re-use it elsewhere. See Course backup for information on how to do this. The process is the same as backing up a single activity as we have done here.
Activity backup capabilities
There is just one capability, Backup activities, which is allowed for the default roles of manager and teacher.