
Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.10. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: Surveypro settings.

Surveypro settings

From MoodleDocs

A survey can be delivered in a lot of different ways for a lot of different purposes, so there are many settings that allow you to tweak the survey according to your needs.

Survey settings are divided into "site settings" level and "instance" settings level.

You can get the first through Administration -> Plugins -> Activity modules -> Survey

General site settings

General settings page

Max input delay

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Extra note in search form

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Instruction guides in search form

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Use advanced permissions

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Maximum age

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Maximum integer

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Use extra row for attls built in template

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In addition to this first general settings level, affecting EACH survey on your moodle installation, survey2 provides a set of instance level settings.

Instance level settings

General settings page

Available from

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Available to

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Advanced permissions

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Branching element increases page

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Allow Save/Resume

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Preserve history

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Minimum allowed year

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Maximum allowed year

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Custom style sheet

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Maximum attempts

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Notify role

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More notifications

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Thanks web page

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