
Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.10. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: Surveypro element types.

Surveypro element types

From MoodleDocs

Elements building a survey are divided in two types: "question" or "format".

The semantics which distinguishes between "question" or "format" is this: a "question" is the form element providing what remote user submitted, "format" is ONLY a form aesthetic element.

Questions such as formats differ from each other by plugin.

There are some question plugin provided with survey such as some format plugin too.

So hierarchically a survey is done by:

  • Survey form
    • elements
      • element type questions (shortly called "questions")
        • question plugin 1
        • question plugin 2
        • question plugin ...
      • element type formats (shortly called "formats")
        • format plugin 1
        • format plugin 2
        • format plugin ...


(Click any screenshot below to see it enlarged.)

"Age" question type
"Autofill" question type
"Boolean" question type
"Check box" question type
"Date" question type
"Date and time" question type
"Attachment" question type
"Integer" question type
"Multi select" question type
"Numeric" question type
"Radio button" question type
"Rate" question type
"Recurrence" question type
"Select" question type
"Short date" question type
"Short text" question type
"text area" question type
"time" question type


"Fieldset" format type
"Label" format type
"Page break" format type