
Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.10. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: H5P content types format.

H5P content types format

From MoodleDocs

This additional plugin imports various H5P content types into the Moodle question bank. Each supported H5P content type is translated into one or more standard Moodle questions.

H5P is an open source project that creates reusable interactive content packages that can be incorporated in web sites. H5P content can be added as an activity in default Moodle 3.8 or embedded with a filter. In Moodle 3.9+ it can can be created and edited. There are also additional plugins available to use H5P in older versions. However, using H5P in the quiz activity can be problematic. If it is embedded in a quiz, the results are not able to be included in the quiz score. H5P is also not as secure as quiz questions since as are contained in the H5P on the client rather than the server. Importing H5P content into the question bank allows reuse of H5P materials created for formative learning activities for summative assessment as part of a quiz activity.

On a Moodle site where this plugin is installed, teachers may go to the import tab of the question bank, select H5P content types as the format, upload a supported .h5p file to in the file area, and submit the form. Questions will then be added to the question bank.

The plugin supports import of single question H5P content types including Multiple Choice Question, True False Question, Essay, Drag Text, Mark the Words, Drag and Drop Question, Guess the Answer, Image Sequencing, Fill in the Blanks and Advanced Fill in the Blanks. In addition it is able import a Single Choice Set as separate multiple choice questions and coverts Dialog Cards and Flash Card Sets into separate short answer questions. Most content types containing any of these types will import any questions that are contained in them including, Column, Question Set, Interactive Book, Interactive Video, Course Presentation content types.

If you do not have access to install this. but would like to use it or related prototypes for creating H5P from questions, you can create an account at the developer's site, and import the questions from there into your site.