
Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.10. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: Attendance quick guide.

Attendance quick guide

From MoodleDocs

What is Attendance?

  • The Attendance activity allows teachers to maintain an online record of attendance, either as well as or instead of a paper-based register. There may be more than one instance of Attendance in a course, recording different events or classes.
  • Teachers can mark students Present, Late, Absent or Excused and can also allow students to record their own attendance.
  • For more information, see the Attendance documentation

How is it set up?

  • With the editing turned on in a course, add Attendance from the activity chooser.
  • Give it a name and if needed a description and save.
  • On the next screen you will see further options:
    • Sessions allows you to see sessions you have made
    • Add allows you to add one or more sessions AND let students record their own attendance.
    • Report displays the register/attendance report.
    • Export allows you to download the report.
    • Settings allows you to change or add to the default attendance marks, descriptions and grades.
    • Temporary users - allows you to add a student just for that one instance.
    • Settings allows you to change or add to the default attendance marks, descriptions and grade.

How does it work?

Once the activity is set up, the teacher clicks the link and clicks the green button to take attendance:


The teacher can then choose the mark (Present, Late etc) and add a comment if desired:


If students have been allowed to mark their own attendance, they will see a link to submit it:


Students see their attendance report like this:


How can I get it?

Attendance is a contributed plugin which must be installed by an administrator from the plugins directory here. It is also available as standard on Moodle for School sites.