Moodle Mobile features
Activity completion
Track progress from your device with Activity completion. Automatic completion is registered, and students can also manually mark a task complete on their mobile.
Keep up to date with notifications. The app supports both local (calendar events) and push (messages, forum posts, submitted assignments etc) notifications. See Mobile app notifications for more details. Infinite scrolling is available and local notifications have multi-site support.
Engage in chat, on the move
Participate in a course Chat activity.
Feed back to teachers with a survey
Surveys may now be taken using the app.
Play SCORM packages on and off-line
The Moodle Mobile SCORM player tracks interactions and synchronises when you're back online.
Take quizzes on your mobile
Quizzes may now be completed on the move. Find out more about the Moodle Mobile quiz.
Features summary
- Responsive design for phone and tablets
- Upload a picture into your private file area
- Record an audio file and upload it into your private file area
- Record a video and upload it into your private file area
- Send a private message to a course participant (can be done offline)
- Take a personal note about a course participant (can be done offline)
- Add a course participant to your phone contact
- Call a course participant touching the phone number
- Locate a course participant address on Google map
- Download and view some course resources
- Quick access to your course contents
- View calendar events
- Reminder notifications for calendar events
- Mobile Push notifications
- Remote layout/style customization (see below)
- View all your past private messages and notifications
- Browse and download your private and course files
- View forum discussions
- Private messaging between users
- Calendar integration with warning reminders as local notifications
- Upload any type of file from your device to your Moodle private files area
- View the book module and IMS CP
- View site, course and personal users notes
- Support for sites using CAS or Shibboleth as auth methods
- View your activity and course total grades in a course
- Participate in choices
- Participate in chats
- Participate in surveys
- Access external tools (LTI)
- Course search
- Self-enrolment in courses
- Access courses with guest access enrolment method enabled
- SCORM player
- Follow app-specific activity links (see Creating Moodle Mobile friendly courses for details)
- Browse glossary entries
- Attempt quizzes
- Browse your learning plans
- View competencies of students in your course
- Browse a wiki and edit and create new pages
- Make assignment submissions and review submissions, comments, feedback and grades
- Use a rich text editor when creating forum posts, attempting quizzes with essay questions, creating wiki pages or submitting assignments (only in Android 4.4 onwards and iOS 6 onwards)
Activities & Resources Support
Comparison of features in different versions
Over 15 languages are currently supported: Arabic, Basque, Catalan, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Mexican Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish
See also
- Moodle Mobile offline features - Presentation in the MoodleMoot UK 2016
- Moodle Mobile release notes in the dev docs