Workshop FAQ
How are the grades calculated?
Make sure you read carefully pages explaining workshop grading and grading strategies.
How can I get the workshop to switch phase automatically?
In Administration > Workshop Administration > Edit settings tick the box 'Switch to the next phase after the submissions deadline' in the access control section. The workshop will then automatically switch to the assessment phase after the next time cron is run.
How can I make reviewing anonymous?
If you do not want your students to know whose work they are reviewing and who is reviewing their work, go to Administration > Workshop administration > Permissions and click the X next to student to prevent "view author names" mod/workshop:viewauthornames and "view reviewer names" mod/workshop:viewreviewernames
Can I use Workshop for students to peer assess an offline activity?
You can, although they will have to submit something, even though that might be a blank document. See this forum post for more information:
How can I publish workshop submissions?
When in the Grading evaluation phase, it is possible to publish (ie make visible to all participants) selected submissions you might consider are helpful examples. To do this, as the teacher, choose a particular submission and click its title.Scroll down and below the submission text you will find a form allowing you to mark the submission as published. Save the form. When the workshop is closed, any such published submissions become visible.
How can I edit or delete an example submission?
In the list of example submissions, click on the title of the submission you'd like to delete. Below the submission content, there are buttons to edit, delete and assess the example submission.
Can a student delete his or her own submission?
A student can delete their submission as long as they can still edit it and it has not been assessed (new in 3.1).
How can I obtain more grading levels for each rubric criterion?
Each time you save the form, then continue editing it, a new empty level is displayed. If you don't need it, simply leave it empty.
See also
- Workshop forum on