Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.0. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: suspend user.

suspend user

From MoodleDocs


This plugin suspends a list of users based on their email address. The process runs within the moodle cron once a day.


  1. Make sure you have all the required versions.
  2. Download the Suspend User plugin.
  3. Unzip it into your moodle/blocks/ directory.
  4. Login to you moodle as Administrator and go to Site administration -> Notifications to trigger the installation process.
  5. Turn editing on the home page.
  6. Add the block to the page.
  7. Follow the link in the block to the formula page and start the process(Details described below).

For more information see Installing contributed modules or plugins.


The block can be included by the admin on the main page. The block offers a link to the plugin settings. The block defines a capability for using the settings form. So you can give other roles access to the plugin. By Default only the admin has access. In the form you can set the path and filename of the input file. It must be within the moodledata. The path should be given relative to the moodledata. The csv field delimiter has to be the ';'.

NOTE: The cleanup process itself runs in the moodle cron. So the moodle cron must be running to use this plugin. For more Information see Cron.


eLeDia - E-Learning im Dialog GmbH


See Also

Tracker component

Modules & Plugins database entry


You can also find the code on Github.

NOTE: In Github we use an empty master branch. The different plugin versions can be found in special branches for each Moodle version.