wiziq live class module

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WizIQ released a new Virtual Classroom module for Moodle users. With this new module:

  • No sign-up on WizIQ is required to give or attend classes in Moodle
  • High quality recordings are available for later review
  • 30 day trial version with up to 10 participants, 3 recordings and unlimited classes is available
  • Choose from flexible, no-strings-attached pricing packages with more participants

The module enables Moodle users to schedule and deliver online classes via a WizIQ virtual classroom. WizIQ's Web based virtual classroom is equipped with real-time collaboration tools like live chat, 2-way audio and video communication, whiteboard and content sharing (.doc, .docx, .pdf, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, .pps, .ppsx, .swf, .flv and YouTube videos). A free user account is required on org.wiziq.com to download the WizIQ Live Class module available as an 'activity' and 'block'. 'Activity' features the scheduling of live classes within the Moodle course and 'Block' lists the live classes on the schedule. Any Moodle teacher or administrator on Moodle can schedule a live class by choosing 'WizIQ Live Class' from 'Add an activity' drop-down list in a Moodle course.


  • An administrator or a teacher is able to schedule a virtual class within Moodle.
  • While scheduling a class, the creator can enter the class title, date, time, and class type (with audio or audio and video both).
  • After a class is scheduled successfully, a private URL is generated. This URL acts as a permalink for the class that can be safely used in emails, blogs or websites to promote the class.
  • The class gets listed as an event on the Moodle calendar and is also accessible as an event in the 'Upcoming events' block.
  • You may choose to record the class. The class recording is available to all the course participants.


To make the understanding of these steps simple, we presume a Moodle installation at 'www.myMoodle.net' with its code located on the server in a directory named /home/myMoodle/public_html

  • After you download the code for WizIQ's Live Class module, copy the code folders for block and activity in their respective directories:
   * Copy 'wiziqlive' folder into /home/myMoodle/public_html/moodle/blocks
   * Copy 'wiziq' into /home/myMoodle/public_html/moodle/mod  
  • To install this module, login as Administrator. Go to "Site Administration" and click on the 'Notifications' link. This installs the "Activity" and "Block" in your Moodle site.
  • To confirm the installation, go to "Site Administration" and click on the 'Modules' link. You find an entry there for 'WizIQ Live Class' in the 'Activities' and 'Blocks' link.

To install the documentation/help files for activity module:

1. After you have installed the WizIQ live class activity, copy these help files named schedule_help.html from /home/myMoodle/public_html/moodle/mod/wiziq

2. Create 'wiziq' folder at this location: /home/myMoodle/public_html/moodle/lang/en_utf8/help/wiziq and copy the help files there.

Firewall Rules

WizIQ relies on several third-party services for its functionality. If your Moodle server is behind a firewall then rules for the following services need to be created:

  • Outgoing Port 1935 (TCP) should be open to IP for FMS connections
  • authorlive.wiziq.com is the launching page and should be reachable from your Moodle server
  • fpdownload.adobe.com is required to download Adobe Flash framework files
  • osc.wqimg.com is CDN for Virtual Classroom files
  • om.wqimg.com is CDN for Virtual Classroom files
  • poll.vcapi.wiziq.com is service for poll feature
  • wqimg.com is CDN for Virtual Classroom files
  • conversion.authorstream.com is conversion server for content
  • (AS21844 ThePlanet.com Internet Services)
  • Port 1935 UDP should be open to stratus.adobe.com (for P2P communication)
  • is a screen sharing server to send screen sharing data - port 1935 TCP to this server must be open as screen broadcasting is dependent on it
  • s3.amazonaws.com is the server from which PPT slides /DOC /PDF etc content is served during a session

See Also

A quick tutorial for teachers

Step 1: After installation, a new "activity" feature, 'WizIQ Live Class starts showing in Moodle. Admins and teachers can select 'WizIQ Live Class to create a new class for their course, like any other standard activity. Also, a 'block' feature is created for WizIQ Live Classes that lists all the upcoming live classes. When you select 'WizIQ Live Class' you get a schedule a class screen:


Step 2: While setting up a new class, the teacher and the administrator can specify the class subject, date and time, duration, its type (audio or audio and video both) and whether to record this class.


Step 3: All your scheduled classes are private. After you successfully schedule your class, the class link starts showing in Moodle's Calendar, in the topic outline, in the upcoming events block and in the 'WizIQ Live Class' block for the course. Also, a unique URL is generated for your class for the teachers (Presenter URL) and students (Attendee URL). These class links are a sort of permalinks, which remain active even after the class, to take students to its recording.


Step 4: At the scheduled date and time, you and your students can enter the class by simply clicking on the class link.


Step 5: You enter your class enabled with 2-way audio and video communication, live chat, whiteboard and content sharing.


Support for this module is available on the WizIQ Support Forum and support@wiziq.com. Please check the forums before contacting support as most issues have already been addressed there. If you cannot find a related issue, it's recommended that you start a new thread rather than contacting support as other users can also view support exchange on the forum and benefit if they have a similar issue.

Forum threads on Moodle


Comprehensive information on WizIQ's Live Class Module for Moodle and downloads are available here:

Live Class module on Moodle Live Class module on WizIQ

News and updates

Information on all updates is provided here:

Updates on the Live Class module at WizIQ

See Also
