Z MoodleDocs
Global Stats on Project
- Amount of effective requirements
- Amount of effective specifications
- Amount of effective tasks
- Amount of effective deliverables
Covering Indicators
For any of the above entities, information will be available on wether respective units are "covered" or not :
Local Covering Indicators
These indicators will only consider immediate proximity of the considered unit.
- Amount of covered/uncovered requirements.
- Amount of covered/uncovered specifications
- Amount of covered/uncovered deliverables
- Amount of achieved tasks
- Amount of started tasks
"End to end" Covering Indicators
These indicators will consider "end to end" covering chains starting from either requirements or deliverables, i.e., those that will map to a deliverable (resp. requirement).
- Amount of covered/uncovered requirements (-> deliverables).
- Amount of covered/uncovered deliverables (-> requirements).
Cost Related Indicators
- Total estimated cost on project.
- Total elapsed time on project.
- Overall completion rate.
Assessment Criteria
Students will be informed here about any assessment criterion that will have been defined by teachers for any assessable element.
If the assessment has started, the students may see here the grades obtained for any assessable element.