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techproject defining criteria.gif


A project is a complex production that needs some evaluation criteria to be defined and agreed between teachers and students.

This screen allows simple edition of both global and element-scoped criteria set. the complete set of criteria can be viewed by students on the "project summary view"

Using or Not Using Criteria

A teacher may choose not to use criteria by updating the instance configuration parameters. If so, the criteria definition screen is not available. When criteria capability is not used, a unique overal grade can be given for the whole project activity, including eventually an automatic calculated grade. (See Assessment for more details).

Defining a Criterion

A criterion is a simple label (that should be entered as one-word-identifier), associated to a description (for clean display). the label is used to identify the grade element, along with the user's id. A weight must be defined for each criteria, wich is an integer multiplier of the grade when summing all grading elements. Note that in any case, final grade for a student will be :

'sumOf( aGrade * aWeight ) / sumOf ( weights )'

Global Criterion

A global criteria allows attributing a grade to the overall project work, independently from local assessments on some parts or milestones.

Element Scope Criterion

Some elements of the project are assessable as parts. In step 1 of development, you may assign a grade to each "dated milestone" entry. The techproject module generates as many grade entry inputs as necessary, and will forget grades of deleted milestones.

Note that the criteria set for scoping assessment on a single element applies to all assessable elements.

Criteria Operations

Adding A Criterion

You just have to input the identifier, description and weight field and press onto "Save". If the label is already used in that criteria set, the relevant criterion is simply updated. No grades will be preset when adding a criterion after assessment has started.

Deleting A Criterion

You just have to click on the delete icon near the criterion. Note that deleting a criterion removes all stored grades for that criterion.