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Main Documentation Page For The "Referentiel" Activity Module

"Referentiel" is a Moodle module for skills certification. It's a non standard (tierce party) module under development.

You may come to this documentation through the automatically generated link at the bottom of some screen of the "referentiel / repository" module.

This module was developed and is maintained by Jean Fruitet at

It works on Moodle 1.8, 1.9. A version for Moodle 2.0 will be delivered soon as possible.


Outcomes, skills, repository, certification


This document is un application description and the user manual.

Module interactions « referentiel » module layout

Skills + Activities + Tasks + Outcomes = portfolio.

What can you do with Referentiel / Repository module ?

You get :

  • an interface to describe skills repository in Moodle
  • evaluate students activities in regard of these skills.

In a Moodle course this module allows :

  • to specify a repository or import it
  • to declare activities linked with competencies (skills / outcomes)
  • to follow students declarations
  • to propose tasks (a mission, list of competencies, linked documents...)
  • to export and print certificates

If your site enables Outcomes (also known as Competencies, Goals, Standards or Criteria), you can export a list of Outcomes from referentiel module then grade things using that scale (forum, database, assigments, etc.) throughout the site. These grades will be integrated in Referentiel module.


  • Students Type in skills declaration,
  • Teachers assign task to students and evaluate students skills,
  • activities notification by mail,
  • certificate edition,
  • backup / restore capabilities,
  • certificates export out of de Moodle (CSV, XML, XHTML),
  • certificates prints (PDF, RTF, ODT, DOC, CSV, XHTML).
  • Grades and Outcomes of any Moodle activity (forum, assignment, quizz, etc.)

User documentation

(in French)

PDF: (connect as visitor)

MoodleMoot2009: Le module Référentiel pour la certification des compétences] (connect as visitor)

Test the module: "Certifications C2i" on MoodleLab.


This is a short install guide by Admin.

Script Installation

Download Referentiel module from Unzip in /YOUR_MOODLE/mod/ directory (Moodle version 1.8 ou 1.9)

Language files are in /YOUR_MOODLE/mod/referentiel/lang/.

Module activation

Connect to YOUR_MOODLE Moodle server with admin role.

Click on Site Administration > Notifications will install new referentiel tables in data base.

Click on Site Administration > Modules > Activities > Settings will adapt the settings to your site policy.

Your first test

  • Go in a course (or create one)
  • Turn editing on
  • "Add an activity"
  • Select "Repository".

You can now edit a brand newx Repository or Import onr from YOUR_MOODLE/mod/referentiel/sauvegarde_referentiels directory.

Some Repository are downlodable from

What are Skills Repositories ?

Skills Repositories (e.g. outcomes lists) are a sort of knowledge evaluation tools.

A skills repository is a hierarchy of objects:


Relational scheme of a skills repository

  Domain 1 (Code, Description)
     Skill 1.1 (Code, Description)
        Item 1.1.1 (Code, Description, Weight)
        Item 1.1.2 (Code, Description, Weight)
     Skill 1.2 (Code, Description)
        Item 1.2.1 (Code, Description, Weight)
        Item 1.2.2 (Code, Description, Weight)
        Item 1.2.3 (Code, Description, Weight)					 
  Domain 2 (Code, Description)
     Skill 2.1 (Code, Description)
        Item 2.1.1 (Code, Description, Weight)
        Item 2.1.2 (Code, Description, Weight)

To ensure that the repository is operational, it must include at least one domain, a skill and an item.

Skills Repository

  • Name [mandatory]: It is the identity of the repository.
  • Code [mandatory]: It is a convenient label to identify the repository.
  • URL [optional] : The reference on the Web of the repository source.
  • Certification threshold [Decimal value; optional]: If a scale and notes are associated with the achievement of each skill, the threshold is the value beyond which the applicant is certified.
  • Global Repository [yes / no; yes by default] : A global skills repository is accessible form other courses than the one where it has been created.
  • Number of domains to be saved for this repository [numerical value; mandatory]: Number of domains to be created.

You can start with one domain and thereafter add more domains to define new areas.


  • Code [mandatory]: It is a convenient label to identify the domain.
  • Description [mandatory]: The text that defines the domain, in terms of knowledge, expertise, know-how, abilities, skills, role, attitude, behaviour, etc ...
  • ID Number [Numerical value; mandatory]: The domain serial number within the hierarchy of objects in the repository.

Domains are displayed in ascending order following this serial number.

  • Number of skills to record for this domain [Numerical value; mandatory]: Number of skills to be created for this domaine.

You can start with only one skill and thereafter add more to define new expertise.


  • Code [mandatory] : It is a convenient label to identify The skill.
  • Description [obligatoire] : The text that defines the skill, in terms of knowledge, expertise, know-how, abilities, skills, role, attitude, behaviour, etc ...
  • Serial Number [numerical value; mandatory] : The skill serial number within the skills list of this domain.

Skills are displayed in ascending order following this serial number.

  • Number of items to record for this skill [numerical value; mandatory] : Number of items involved in this skill.

You can start with only one item and thereafter add more to define new items .


  • Code [mandatory]: It is a convenient label to identify the item. we must ensure the code of each item to be unique as the repository is based on this property, in other words two items belonging to different skills should not be referenced with the same code (within the same repository:) !
  • Description [mandatory]: The text that defines the item, in terms of knowledge, expertise, know-how, abilities, skills, role, attitude, behaviour, etc ...
  • Type of item [Mandatory, Optional] [optional ] : Categorization of the item extent in certification.

If the item is not required to obtain the certificate, leave empty or use "Optional".

  • Weight of the item (decimal value) : Coefficient assigned to the item for the assessment scoring. The formula consists in adding the weight of different items.
  • Fingerprint of the item (integer value [0..999]) : Number of times a skill has to be validated in activities before to be certified...
  • Serial Number [numerical value; mandatory] : The item serial number in the list of items contained in the skill.

Items are displayed in ascending order following this serial number.

Repository Instance

A repository instance is an activity within the Moodle meaning (as are "Assignment", "Forum" or "Lesson") based on a repository, and allows students:

  • to declare the activities involving skills in the repository;
  • to check these skills;

and allows teachers to assess these skills...

When creating a new instance (it can coexist more than one in the same course, whether pointing to the same repository or to different ones) the following must be defined:

  • Instance Title [mandatory]: This is the name under which this instance appears to be an integrated activity in a course ...
  • Instance Description [optional]: Short note to inform students about the objectives of this activity.
  • How should we call a domain? [optional]: For displays, which label identifies the concept of the "domain".
  • How should we call a skill?: For displays, which label identifies the concept of the "skill".
  • How should we call an item?: For displays, which label identifies the concept of the "item".

See also

Linked pages :