WebDAV Connect
Z MoodleDocs
How to connect your course files directories using WebDAV.
Use the URL that appears in the files listing, and follow the instructions appropriate to your system http://www.webdavsystem.com/server/documentation/access
(This feature will be available after v1.9)
A small, non-comprehensive list of client apps, aside with their pro's or con's:
- Network folders in Windows (2K/XP/2K3/VISTA)
- Pro: Available on a lot of computers, ease of use
- Con: Auth problems, you need to ensure you have the right version of the msdaipp.dll file to show displaynames
- Netdrive (Webdrive) - Novell tool
- Pro: More robust than native implementation of WebDAV on microsoft platforms
- Con: Does not show displayname, Webdrive is not free (as in beer)
- Firefox plugin (http://webfolder.mozdev.org/index.html)
- Pro: Cross platform, works in Firefox
- Con: Read-only access :( (big con to me...), does not show displayname
- Red Drive Connect (http://www.jscape.com/reddrive/)
- Pro: Does show me the displayname, integrates in windows explorer as a folder at the same level of your other drives
- Con: Not free, but it is free (as in beer), I cannot upload any files using this tool, so not useable :(