Użytkownik:James Neill/Moodleposium/2010/Ridden

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Keynote: Bag it and Tag it - Julian Ridden ‘The Moodle-man’, moodle.org

Julian's presented lots of practical examples to make more dynamic, powerful, searchable/queryable, constructivist Moodle sites.

  1. Database tool e.g.,
    1. Study notes database: For students to contribute study notes (in order to access the next part of the course) - can then use search tool esp. advanced search
    2. Book review database
    3. Lost property database
    4. GIS database - location and links through to Google Maps
    5. Weblinks database
  2. Glossary
    1. Usually text-based, but can also include audio (e.g., pronunciation) or video (students can upload)
    2. Can be used for autolinks
    3. Can get RSS feed from glossary
    4. "UC uses glossary & random glossary block for announcements and system messages"
    5. The (older) glossary module is actually just a special case of the database module and totally redundant.
    6. Can be used for assignment submission (so that other students can see it)
  3. Podcasting
    1. Can use forums (they are podcast enabled)
    2. POD = personal on demand
    3. Create forum - just RSS feed with audio
  4. Mashing
    1. Bloom taxonomy Web 2.0 version diagram (organisation of tools)
    2. Photos (Flickr, iStockPhoto), iTunes, YouTube, Delicious, Twitter, Prezi, Slideshare etc.
    3. RSS feed import e.g. Delicious, Twitter