Student documentation examples
Purpose of Page
Moodle documentation for students is not as robust as the documentation for developers, administrators, and teachers. Many people feel that generic student documentation would not be helpful because each organization and course is structured differently. Instead of providing generic student documentation, this page includes links to high-quality student documentation that people can use to get ideas for the content and layout for their own student documentation. The examples on this page represent the different levels of detail, formats, and languages of existing student documentation. This page also has a sample template that you can use to create printed handouts for students who are learning to use Moodle.
Please feel free to add your own student documentation for others to use.
Examples of Student Documentation
Content: Basic Features
Accès à Moodle pour les nouveaux étudiants
- URL:
- Author: Université de Fribourg
- Format: PDF (See the accompanying video.)
- Language: French
- Description: This 2-page document presents how to
- Access the course website
- Scan the available classes
- Log into the system
- Enter the class page to use a specific teacher's resources
- Permission note: (to be added)
Accès à Moodle pour les nouveaux étudiants de l'Université de Fribourg
- URL:
- Author: Université de Fribourg
- Format: Video (See the accompanying PDF file.)
- Language: French
- Level: Basics
- Description: This 2-minute video, created with Camtasia, shows how to
- Access the course website
- Scan the available classes
- Log in to the system
- Enter the class page to use a specific teacher's resources
- Permission note: (to be added)
Anleitung für die Registrierung auf Moodle
- URL:
- Author: Stephan Rinke für VHS Essen
- Format: Video
- Language: German
- Description: This 4-minute video, which is fairly low quality because it is posted on YouTube, shows the students how to
- Access their Moodle learning platform
- Register into the system
- Access a specific class
- Permission note: You may adapt this material for your own use but should include a credit to the original author.
Content: Advanced Features
- URL:
- Author: Marguerite Wells, Cornell University
- Format: HTML
- Language: English
- Description: This guide was adapted from Ray Lawrence's student guide. Like Ray Lawrence's guide, this guide includes many screen shots and covers topics such as logging in, basic navigation, and blocks. This guide also addresses hardware and software requirements and course expectations and provides more detailed information and screen shots on accessing resources and posting in forums.
- Permission note: You may adapt this material for your own use but should include a credit to the original authors.
Manipulation et apprentissage par Moodle
- URL:
- Author:
- Format: HTML
- Language: French
- Description: This web page explains how to register for a class and gives a description of
- Available resources
- Learning activities
- Communication tools
- Permission note: (to be added)
Moodle: An introductory user guide for students
- URL:
- Author: Learning and Teaching Enhancement Office, the University of Bath
- Format: PDF
- Language: English
- Description: This document has many annotated screen shots that cover logging in, editing your profile, page layout and blocks, navigation, and activities.
- Permission note: You are welcome to use any of the information you find in the guide to improve your students' learning, to enhance your teaching, to ensure the highest quality standards in your learning and teaching work, or in any other way you feel to be of benefit to you.
Moodle for Learners
- URL:
- Author: Paul Treadwell, Distance Learning Consultant, Cornell University
- Format: Video
- Language: English
- Description: This 8-minute video, created with Camtasia, gives an overview of a Moodle course environment and the basics of using Moodle as a student. The video refers to a PDF created by Marguerite Wells.
- Permission note: Usage is covered under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Moodle Guide for AUB Students
- URL:
- Author: Academic Computing Center of the American University of Beirut
- Format: PDF
- Language: English
- Description: This 10-page document, although written specifically for AUB students, offers an excellent tour of the course interface with lots of relevant screen shots. This document is a modified version of Ray Lawrence's student guide.
- Permission note: This work may not be modified or used commercially without the expressed written consent of the author. See the [Academic Computing Center website] for contact information.
Moodle - Schritt für Schritt
- URL:
- Author: TFH (Technische Fachhochschule) Berlin
- Format: HTML
- Language: German
- Description: This web page provides a step-by-step description of how to
- Log into the Moddle platform
- Create a user id
- Manage a user's account
- Permission note: (to be added)
Moodle: Student Guide
- URL:
- Author: Moodle Support Team, Nicola Valley Institute of Technology
- Format: PDF
- Language: English
- Description: This 14-page document provides basic instruction for accessing and navigating the Moodle environment. Special attention is paid to the use of forums.
- Permission note: Contact the Moodle Support Team for permission to use this material.
Moodle Student Quick Reference Guide
- URL:
- Author: @One Project, a program of the California Community College system
- Format: English
- Language: PDF
- Description: This 2-page document is designed to briefly describe many features of Moodle, including logging in, navigating, using blocks, using forums, uploading assignments, checking grades, editing one's profile, and troubleshooting common problems. Although the guide is crowded with information, formatting is effectively used to clearly distinguish the different sections.
- Permission note: The content in the guide was created under a Creative Commons License. For more information on how you can use the material, contact the @One Project.
Moodle Student Orientation
- URL:
- Author: Jill Mullaney, Trainer, University Technology Training Center, University of Minnesota
- Format: Video
- Language: English
- Description: This 10-minute presentation provides an in-depth look at the Moodle interface, including navigation, course content, collaboration tools, and logging out.
- Permission note: Contact Jill Mullaney for permission to use this material.
Piattaforma e-learning Unifi Guida rapida per gli studenti
- URL:
- Author: Università degli Studi di Firenze
- Format: PDF
- Language: Italian
- Description: This 8-page document describes
- What Moodle is
- How to access the Moodle platform of this university
- How to log in
- How the study area is structured
- The various features and resources available for each course
- How the user's profile is defined
- Permission note: (to be added)
Preparing for on-line learning: Student Guide
- URL:
- Author: Ray Lawrence
- Format: PDF
- Language: English
- Description: This handout is one of the most widely used and adapted guides for students. It was made to accompany an online course that introduces students to Moodle. The handout is well organized and includes many screen shots. Topics covered include logging in, basic navigation, and blocks.
- Permission note: You may adapt this material for your own use but should include a credit to the original author.
A Student Guide to Using Moodle
- URL:
- Author: Shirley Crawford, Cornwall College
- Format: Microsoft Word or PDF
- Language: English
- Description: This 22-page document is organized by tasks instead of Moodle features and includes many screen shots and tables. The guide covers topics such as
- What Moodle is
- What various Moodle icons mean
- How to log in
- How to change your profile
- How to navigate in a course
- How to check your grades
- How to use communication tools, including forums and messages
- Permission note: Contact Shirley Crawford for permission to use this material.
Moodle Student Guide for Anthem College Online
- URL:
- Author: Anthem College Online
- Format: Video
- Language: English
Content: Full Features
Moodle Features Demo Course
- URL:
- Author:
- Format: Moodle course
- Language: English
- Description: This Moodle course gives brief explanations of the features of Moodle and allows students to explore these features. Although the demonstration course is intended for students, some of the language seems more focused on why a teacher uses a feature than on the benefits of the feature for the student.
- Permission note: This demonstration course may be downloaded and installed on an organization's website for their students' use. See the instructions.
Sample Template for Printed Student Documentation
This template provides the basic structure for creating printed student documentation for Moodle. The document is in rich text format (RTF) so that it can be opened in multiple programs without losing the formatting of the headers, footers, and text styles. You should use the headings that you feel are appropriate for your guide. For content ideas, see the examples of student documentation on this page, especially Ray Lawrence's student guide.