

作成中です - Mitsuhiro Yoshida 2009年5月26日 (火) 15:58 (UTC)

Moodle 1.5以前のバージョンとのブロックAPIの違い

この付録では、Moodle 1.5に取り入れられたブロックAPIがどのように変わったのか説明します。また、Moodle 1.5と完全互換性を持つため、開発者がどのようなステップでブロックをアップデートする必要があるのか説明します。残念ですが、これらの変更で下位互換性が壊れてしまいます。これは、Moodle 1.4からのブロックが1.5で動作しないこと、またその逆も同じであることを意味します。


Moodle 1.4では、すべてのクラスはCourseBlock_somethingのような名称にする必要がありました。そして、導かれたベースクラスは、MoodleBlockでした。Moodleのオブジェクト指向の側面と一致させるため、これが変わったのがMoodle 1.5です (例えば、クラス enrolment_base、resource_base等があります)。新しいブロッククラスは、代わりにblock_somethingのように命名され、block_baseから導かれます。これは、Moodle 1.5と互換性があるブロックを作成するには、あなたはクラス定義を

class CourseBlock_online_users extends MoodleBlock { ... }


class block_online_users extends block_base { ... }



class block_admin extends block_list { ... }

コンストラクタ VS init()

Moodle 1.4における、それぞれのブロッククラスでは、コースデータを引数として受けるコンストラクタの定義は必須でした (以下の例は、実際のオンラインユーザブロックからです):

function CourseBlock_online_users ($course) {

 $this->title        = get_string('blockname','block_online_users');
 $this->content_type = BLOCK_TYPE_TEXT;
 $this->course       = $course;
 $this->version      = 2004052700;


対照的にMoodle 1.5において、コンストラクタは取り除かれ、あなたは、代わりに引数を取得しない init()メソッドを定義する必要があります:

function init() {

 $this->title   = get_string('blockname','block_online_users');
 $this->version = 2004111600;


Of course, this leaves you without access to the $course object, which you might actually need. Since that's probably going to be needed inside get_content(), the way to retrieve it is by using this code:

 $course = get_record('course', 'id', $this->instance->pageid);

If you are going to need access to $course from inside other methods in addition to get_content(), you might fetch the $course object inside the specialization() method and save it as a class variable for later use, in order to avoid executing the same query multiple times:

function specialization() {

 $this->course = get_record('course', 'id', $this->instance->pageid);



In Moodle 1.4, blocks could only have what are now (in Moodle 1.5) called "global configuration" options, to differentiate from the new "instance configuration" options. If your block has support for configuration, you will need to take these steps:

  1. Rename your config.html file to config_global.html.
  2. Edit the newly renamed file and completely remove the <form> tag (Moodle now wraps your configuration in a form automatically).
  3. If you are using any HTML <input> tags other than those that directly affect your configuration (for example, "sesskey"), REMOVE those too (Moodle will add them automatically as required).
  4. If you have overridden print_config, rename your method to config_print().
  5. If you have overridden handle_config, rename your method to config_save().

Blocks with customized applicable formats

The correct way to specify the formats you want to allow or disallow your block to exist has been reworked for Moodle 1.5 to take account of the fact that blocks are no longer restricted to just courses. To have a block retain its intended behavior, you must change these format names (array keys in the return value of applicable_formats() if they are used in your block:

  1. social should become course-view-social
  2. topics should become course-view-topics
  3. weeks should become course-view-weeks

You should also keep in mind that there is now the possibility of blocks being displayed in other pages too, like the introductory page that users see when they enter an activity module. You might therefore need to make the specification for applicable formats more restrictive to keep your block out of pages it is not supposed to be shown in. Also, there are subtle changes to the way that the final decision to allow or disallow a block is made. For the technical details refer to the definition of applicable_formats(), and for a more extended example read Authorized Personnel Only, the section dedicated to this subject.

That's everything; your block will now be ready for use in Moodle 1.5!