Attention : vous consultez actuellement la documentation dédiée aux versions 2.x de Moodle. La documentation pour les versions 3.x de Moodle est consultable ici : Ajouter/modifier un forum et celle pour Moodle 4.x est consultable là : Ajouter/modifier un forum.

Ajouter/modifier un forum

De MoodleDocs
Révision datée du 22 avril 2013 à 18:46 par Marise Duquette (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « Pour ajouter un forum : # Activez le mode édition, puis, dans la section où vous voulez ajouter un forum, cliquez sur '''Ajouter une activité ou une ressource''' et choisi... »)
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Pour ajouter un forum :

  1. Activez le mode édition, puis, dans la section où vous voulez ajouter un forum, cliquez sur Ajouter une activité ou une ressource et choisissez Forum.
  2. Vous serez redirigé vers la pages des paramètres du forum Ajouter forum.

Dans un forum existant, cette page se trouve dans le bloc Réglages > Administration forum > Paramètres.

Paramètres du forum

Nom du forum

Saisissez un nom bref pour le forum (exemple : « Couleur préférée »), qui sera affiché sur la page d'accueil du cours.

Type de forum

Il existe 5 types de forum :

  • Forum standard pour utilisation générale : forum ouvert dans lequel n'importe quel participant peut lancer une discussion à tout moment; c'est le meilleur choix pour un usage général (par exemple : questions sur le cours, information pour en savoir plus, demande de précisions sur les devoirs, etc.). C'est ce type de forum qui est utilisé par défaut.
  • Chaque personne lance une discussion : chaque personne ne peut lancer qu'une seule discussion à laquelle tout le monde peut répondre. Ce type de forum est utile lorsque vous souhaitez que tout le monde donne son avis sur un sujet et que chacun puisse répondre.
  • Forum questions/réponses : plutôt que de lancer des discussions, les participants posent des questions dans le message initial. Chacun peut donner une réponse en retour, mais ils ne peuvent pas voir les réponses des autres étudiants à la question avant d'avoir eux-même répondu à la même discussion.
  • Forum standard affiché comme un blog : forum ouvert dans lequel n'importe quel participant peut lancer une discussion, mais dont l'affichage s'apparente à celui du blogue. Les sujets de discussion sont affichés sur une page, avec un lien « Discuter sur ce sujet » pour y répondre.
  • Une seule discussion : un seul sujet de discussion est développé sur une page, ce qui est pratique pour les courtes discussions sur un sujet précis. Il n'est pas possible d'utiliser ce type de forum par groupes séparés.

Le Forum des nouvelles est un forum spécial automatiquement créé dans tous les cours. Il diffère du forum en ce sens que seul l'enseignant peut y publier un message. Tous les étudiants peuvent voir le message, mais ne peuvent pas répondre. Ils reçoivent également une copie du message par courriel.

Introduction au forum

Saisissez une description du forum à cet endroit. L'éditeur HTML standard vous permet de faire une certaine mise en page.

CONSEIL : Il est recommandé d'inclure des consignes précises pour les étudiants par rapport au sujet du forum et les critères de correction et d'évaluation (s'il y a lieu).

Mode d'abonnement

Lorsqu'un utilisateur est abonné à un forum, il est avisé de tout nouveau message (par pop-up ou par courriel, selon ses préférences de messagerie). Par défaut, les messages sont envoyés 30 minutes après leur publication. Il est donc possible de modifier un message dans les 30 minutes suivant sa publication.

Il est généralement possible de choisir d'être abonné ou non à un forum. Toutefois, l'enseignant peut choisir d'imposer l'abonnement à un forum donné afin que les étudiants ne puissent pas se désabonner.

Il y a 4 types d'abonnement :

  • Abonnement facultatif : les participants peuvent choisir de s'abonner ou de se désabonner. Par défaut, ils sont abonnés lorsqu'ils publient un message, mais peuvent désactiver cette option.
  • Abonnement imposé : tous les participants sont abonnés et n'ont pas l'option de se désabonner.
  • Abonnement automatique : tout le monde est automatiquement abonné, mais les participants peuvent choisir de se désabonner.
  • Abonnement désactivé : il n'est pas possible de s'abonner.

Le mode d'abonnement, ainsi que des liens permettant de s'abonner ou de se désabonner apparaissent dans le bloc Réglages, sous Administration forum. L'enseignant peut modifier rapidement le mode d'abonnement en cliquant sur Mode d'abonnement, puis sur le mode d'abonnement souhaité. L'enseignant peut aussi voir les abonnés du forum en cliquant sur le lien Afficher/modifier les abonnés à ce forum.

Conseils :

  • L'abonnement imposé pour tous est particulièrement utile dans le forum des nouvelles et dans les forums en début de cours (pour permettre aux utilisateurs de se familiariser avec l'outil).
  • Le mode Abonnement désactivé empêche les étudiants de s'abonner à un forum. Les enseignants peuvent choisir de s'abonner au forum s'ils le souhaitent.

Suivi des messages lus dans ce forum ?

Le Suivi des messages lus dans un forum permet aux utilisateurs de voir rapidement les messages non lus.

Il y a 3 options pour ce paramètre :

  • Facultatif (par défaut) : les étudiants peuvent activer ou désactiver le suivi comme ils le souhaitent.
  • Désactivé : le suivi est désactivé pour tous les étudiants.
  • Activé : le suivi est activé pour tous les étudiants.

Maximum attachment size

The maximum file size that may be attached to a forum post will first be determined by the Moodle site settings. The teacher may want a smaller size limit for the forum. Server file capacity, student downloading speeds and discouraging images in a document centered discussion are a few reasons to limit file size.

Maximum number of attachments

The maximum number of attachments a user can add to their forum post (from 0 to 100) can be specified here.

Post threshold for blocking

Students (i.e. users which don't have the 'Exempt from post threshold' permission) can be blocked from posting more than a specified number of posts in a given period.


Forum posts can be rated using a scale (pre existing number or word scales). By default, only teachers can rate forum posts, though students can be given permission to do so if desired (see Forum permissions below). This is a useful tool for giving students participation grades. Any ratings given in the forum are recorded in the gradebook.

Aggregate type

You can set an aggregate type, in other words, decide how all the ratings given to posts in a forum are combined to form the final grade (for each post and for the whole forum activity). Some scales do not lend themselves to certain types of aggregates. There are five options:

  • Average of ratings (default) - This is the mean of all the ratings given to posts in that forum. It is especially useful with peer grading when there are a lot of ratings being made.
  • Count of ratings - The counts the number of rated posts which becomes the final grade. This is useful when the number of posts is important. Note that the total can not exceed the maximum grade allowed for the forum. A count may be used if the teacher simply wants to acknowledge that a reply was given in the case students being required to make a certain number of posts in the discussion. Note: Count of ratings does not work for the "Separate or Connected Ways of Knowing" scale or custom scales due to the limitation imposed by the max grade.
  • Maximum rating - The highest rating is returned as the final grade. This method is useful for emphasising the best work from participants, allowing them to post one high-quality post as well as a number of more casual responses to others.
  • Minimum rating - The smallest rating is returned as the final grade. This method promotes a culture of high quality for all posts.
  • Sum of ratings - All the ratings for a particular user are added together. Note that the total is not allowed to exceed the maximum grade for the forum. Note: Sum of ratings does not work for the "Separate or Connected Ways of Knowing" scale or custom scales due to the limitation imposed by the max grade.

Restrict ratings to posts with dates in this range

The teacher can allow only posts within a certain date range to be rated. This is useful if the teacher wants to keep students focused on the most recent content and maintain a specific pace within the forum or course.

RSS feed for this activity

This turns RSS on or off for this forum. When set to “None,” RSS is disabled. When set to “Discussions,” the RSS feed will send out new discussions to subscribers. When set to “Posts,” the RSS feed will send out any new posts to subscribers.

Number of RSS recent articles

This number sets the number of articles that go out via RSS. If this number is set to 5, then the 5 most recent articles will be sent to subscribers. As new posts (or discussions) get added, the oldest post/discussion gets replaced on the RSS feed. If your forum gets a lot of posts every day, you will want to set this number high.

The administrative cron (admin/cron.php) must run after the forum is created and posts or discussions have been made. Otherwise the user will receive an error "Error reading RSS data"

Note: RSS feeds must be enabled for the site and for forums in order for the RSS settings to appear.

Common module settings

Using groups with forums

The group mode setting has three options:

  1. No groups
  2. Separate groups - each group can only see their own group; others are invisible
  3. Visible groups - each group works in their own group, but can also see other groups

If the group mode is set to separate groups:

Adding a new discussion topic to a forum set to separate groups
  • Teachers are given the option of adding a new discussion topic for all participants or for a selected group. If a teacher adds a new discussion topic for a selected group, then only group members can reply to it. If a teacher adds a new discussion topic for all participants, then students can't reply to it. (This is to ensure that groups are kept separate.)
  • Students can only start discussions for their own group.
  • Students can only reply to discussions started by other group members or discussions for their own group started by a teacher.

If the group mode is set to visible groups:

  • Teachers are given the option of adding a new discussion topic for all participants or for a selected group. If a teacher adds a new discussion topic for a selected group, then only group members can reply to it.
  • Students can only start discussions for their own group.
  • Students can only reply to discussions started by other group members or teachers.

Teachers, and other users with the capability moodle/site:accessallgroups set to allow, can view and post in all forum discussions, regardless of the group mode setting.

Note: Single simple discussions cannot be set to separate groups (as this feature is not implemented). Instead, a standard forum should be used, with the teacher copying and pasting the same discussion topic for each separate group. If required, a permissions override may be set to prevent students from starting new discussions.

Visible to students

You can hide the activity from students by selecting "Hide" here. It is useful if you wouldn't like to make the activity available immediately.

ID number

Setting an ID number provides a way of identifying the forum for grade calculation purposes. If the activity is not included in any grade calculation then the ID number field can be left blank.

Locally assigned roles

In Settings > Forum administration > Locally assigned roles selected users can be given additional roles in the activity.

Forum moderator

A student can be given the rights to moderate a forum by assigning them the role of non-editing teacher in the forum.

  1. In Settings > Forum administration > Locally assigned roles click on student
  2. Select the student from the potential users list on the right, and use the Add button to add them to the existing users list on the left. Multiple users may be selected by holding down the Apple or Ctrl key whilst clicking on the users' names.

See also Forum moderator role.

Forum permissions

Role permissions for the activity can be changed in Settings > Forum administration > Permissions.

Fichier:Forum permissions.png

Common permissions changes include:

Enabling students to rate posts

Click the Allow icon (+) opposite the capability to rate posts and allow the role of student.

Archiving a forum

A forum can be closed / archived so that students may no longer start new discussions, nor add replies, but can still read all the discussions by clicking the Prevent icon (X) for the student role for the capabilities 'Start new discussions' and 'Reply to posts'.

Guests and posting in a forum

There are certain things, such as posting in a forum, that guests are never allowed to do, despite the permissions interface suggesting otherwise.

The guest role has some special functionality, for example when a guest user attempts to post in a forum, they obtain the message "Sorry, guests are not allowed to post. Would you like to log in now with a full user account?"

(Note: If guests don't obtain the "Sorry, guests are not allowed to post" message because they have no reply link, then self enrolment needs enabling in Settings > Course administration > Users > Enrolment methods.)

If you wish guests to be able to post in a forum, you can create a similar role, say "visitor" with very few permissions allowed, then create an account and assign it the role of visitor. Guests can then share this visitor account.

Anything else you'd like to achieve with a forum permissions change? Please add your suggestions to Talk:Forum settings!

User administration settings

Users can choose whether or not to track unread posts in their profile settings under 'Forum tracking'. The settings are:

  • Yes: highlight new posts for me
  • No: don't keep track of posts I have seen

If the user chooses 'Yes: highlight new posts for me' and the forum administrator has set the 'Read tracking for this forum?' to On or Optional then the user will have new posts highlighted for them. The posts will be highlighted in the following places:

  • My home page
  • Main Course page
  • Within the forum itself

Site administration settings

The forum module has additional settings which may be changed by an administrator in Settings > Site administration > Plugins > Activity modules > Forum and, for 'Maximum time to edit posts', in Settings > Site administration > Security > Site policies.

Use email address in reply

By default, a user's email is set as the 'From' address for forum notifications (unless the user has hidden their email address in their profile) so that recipients can choose to reply personally rather than via the forum. To set as 'From' address for all forum notification emails, untick the forum_replytouser checkbox.

Long and short posts

The long and short post setting determine how forum posts on the site front page, social format course pages, and user profiles are displayed. (Note: There is currently an unresolved issue - "Site news - forum length setting has no effect for certain users" - MDL-4781.)

Enabling timed posts

Timed forum posts may be enabled i.e. having the option to set a display start and end date for a new discussion. Timed posts can then be created by users with the capability to view hidden timed posts (normally admins and teachers).

Maximum time to edit posts

This specifies the amount of time people have to re-edit forum postings, glossary comments etc. Usually 30 minutes is a good value. The setting may be changed by an administrator in Settings > Site administration > Security > Site policies.

Mark post read after 'X' days

This setting is forum_oldpostdays and specifies the number of days after which any post is considered to be read. E.g. If this is set to 14 days then any post older than 14 days will be considered read. If you set this to 0 then ALL posts are instantly considered to be read. If you don't want any posts to be considered read without the user reading them then set a high figure (e.g. 1000)