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Media embedding

De MoodleDocs
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Embedding audio and video

MP3 player

Audio and video may be embedded in a course in the following ways:

The media file link is then replaced with an appropriate multimedia player which can play the resource.

Enabling media embedding

To enable the embedding of media files, an admin must enable

  1. Appropriate media players (see below)
  2. The Multimedia plugins filter - unless you only want to allow embedding in File, URL and Lesson modules.

Site administration settings

Nova funcionalitat
del Moodle 2.4!
An administrator can enable selected media players in Settings > Site administration > Appearance > Media embedding.

Available players

  • YouTube (displays videos hosted on youtube)
  • Vimeo (displays videos hosted on vimeo)
  • .mp3 - MPEG Audio Stream, Layer III
  • .flv - Flash video
  • .f4v - Flash video
  • .swf - Macromedia Flash animation File (Adobe, Inc.)
Note: Only used in trusted texts as it has potential security issues
  • .ogg - HTML 5 audio
  • .acc - HTML 5 audio
  • .mp3 - HTML 5 audio
  • .webm - HTML 5 video
  • .m4v - HTML 5 video
  • .ogv - HTML 5 video

Legacy media players

The following legacy media player formats are also available but not recommended for general usage:

  • .mov - QuickTime player (requires QuickTime player or codec)
  • .mp4 - QuickTime player (requires QuickTime player or codec)
  • .m4a - QuickTime player (requires QuickTime player or codec)
  • .mpg - MPEG animation - QuickTime player (requires QuickTime player or codec)
  • .wmv - Windows media player (Microsoft)-not guaranteed to work in browsers other than IE and non-Windows systems
  • .avi - Windows media player - not guaranteed to work in browsers other than IE and non-Windows systems

See also

  • dev:Media embedding developer documentation including information on how to change the size of the media player