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Moodle allows teachers and students to upload and display images from a variety of sources via the image icon of the text editor.Course pages can be enhanced with images (or banners) in each section. Assignments can include images for extra clarification. Images attached to forum posts or quiz questions will appear embedded.

Moodle accepts .jpg,.png and .gif formats.

Uploading and displaying an image from your computer

  • Note: It is a good idea to resize your image before uploading, rather than altering its dimensions online.
  • With the editing turned on, access the text editor where you want to display your image (eg, in a course summary,label or page)
  • Click the image icon as below


  • Click into Find or upload an image


  • Click Upload a file. Browse for and upload your image. For more information, see File picker
  • Add a description of the image(1) and click Insert (2)


  • Save the changes.

Displaying an image already online

  • If you have images available elsewhere online, you can display them too without the need to upload to Moodle. Note: If the image is taken offline, it will be replaced by a red X on your course page. Also, so-calledhot-linking [1]to images online if you don't own them yourself is not recommended.

Method 1

  • Follow the instructions for Uploading and Displaying an image as above.
  • After clicking on Find or Upload an image, paste the URL of the image you have online into the Image URL box.
  • Add a description of the image and click Insert.
  • Save the changes.

Method 2

  • It is possible to copy and paste an online image into the text editor in the same way that some students might copy and paste into a presentation. Care must be taken however that images pasted this way are not subject to copyright, and also that the image doesn't come with an unwanted hyperlink.

Adding an image from image hosting sites like Flickr

  • It is possible to search and display an image from Flickr.
  • For this, the Flickr public repository must be enabled by the administrator
  • After clicking into Find or Upload an image, click on the Flickr repository to search for a suitable image.


  • The site administrator can also enable the Flickr and Picasa repositories for users to access images from their own accounts.

Editing your image

  • After clicking the image icon in the text editor, two tabs are available to help you better display your image:



  • Choose from the Alignment drop down how you want the image to be set against any text. The block with the tree and text show how each option will display.


  • Resize the image in the dimensions boxes if desired.
  • If desired, add a number (in pixels) for a vertical or horizontal space or border around the image.


  • This tab allows you to set alternative images for mouseover/mouse out and to include miscellaneous information such as title, language direction, long description link etc.


Why is there no 'Find or upload an image' option available?

The filepicker and text editor in Moodle are affected if there are any Javascript errors in the page. So if you see any missing buttons etc. the first thing to check for is any errors in the Javascript console (F12 in Firefox or IE9+).

The second thing to mention is that some text areas in Moodle support uploading files and some do not. There are reasons why a particular area does or doesn't support files such as the ability to backup/restore or compatibility with other areas in Moodle such as the gradebook. If a text editor does not support file areas, you can still use images, but only by entering the URL to an image already hosted somewhere else on the internet.