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Discussió:Question behaviours

De MoodleDocs
La revisió el 03:00, 25 abr 2013 per Alex Leontiev (discussió | contribucions) (Created page with "Hi, my name is Alex. I'm quite new to Moodle and PHP in general, although very interested to explore. In particular, I'm planning to participate in this coming Google Summer of C...")
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Hi, my name is Alex. I'm quite new to Moodle and PHP in general, although very interested to explore. In particular, I'm planning to participate in this coming Google Summer of Code 2013 and therefore I would like to learn more about Question Bank, Quiz and Question Engine modules.

While reading this article I've got the following question:

It looks like question behavior is selected on per-quiz basis, not on per-question. Is there any reason for this? I mean, I think in some scenarios per-question behavior makes sense, e.g. some questions may be answered in deferred mode, while others may be answered in adaptive.