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Wiki settings: diferència entre les revisions

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===Wiki description===
他的名字是叶湘伦。周杰伦是里面多电影。多中国的怒孩喜欢他。人物是周杰伦,每人喜欢他。他的是不高不矮。叶湘伦的眼睛是棕色的,有长头发。他又很聪明又明智。他喜欢音乐 。
*Explain the purpose of your wiki here. (This description may or may not be compulsory depending on your admin's settings.)
====Display description on course page====
If this box is checked, then the description you added above will appear with the wiki link on the course page.

===First page name===
===First page name===

Revisió del 19:38, 28 abr 2013

他的名字是叶湘伦。周杰伦是里面多电影。多中国的怒孩喜欢他。人物是周杰伦,每人喜欢他。他的是不高不矮。叶湘伦的眼睛是棕色的,有长头发。他又很聪明又明智。他喜欢音乐 。

Wiki administration settings


他的名字是叶湘伦。周杰伦是里面多电影。多中国的怒孩喜欢他。人物是周杰伦,每人喜欢他。他的是不高不矮。叶湘伦的眼睛是棕色的,有长头发。他又很聪明又明智。他喜欢音乐 。

First page name

  • The name you add here will form the first page of your new wiki. It is a required field and once a name has been entered,it can't be changed.

Wiki mode

  • Choose between "Individual wiki" where each student gets their own, or "Collaborative wiki" where students work together on a single wiki.

Default format

  • Set the default type of editing your wiki will use. Chooose from
    • HTML - editing using the normal text editor
    • Creole - a popular wiki editing language. If this is selected, a small editing toolbar will appear.


    • NWiki - a wiki editing language used in the contributed NWiki module.

Force format

If you check this box then students cannot choose their own method of editing the wiki.

Common module settings

The Common module settings section appears in many modules besides wiki. It sets Groups interactions levels and the ID number.

Restrict access settings

The Restrict access area becomes visible in Moodle activities and resource settings if Conditional Activities have been enabled.

Locally assigned roles

In Settings > Wiki administration > Locally assigned roles selected users can be given additional roles in the activity.

Wiki permissions

Role permissions for the activity can be changed in Settings > Wiki administration > Permissions.