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Tag settings

De MoodleDocs
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Site administration settings

Enable tags functionality

By default, site-wide tags functionality is enabled. If this is not required, tags functionality may be disabled by an administrator by un-checking the usetags box in Settings > Site administration > Advanced features.

Show course tags

The Tags block has one setting which may be changed by an administrator in Settings > Site administration > Plugins > Blocks > Tags.

  • Show course tags - This enables students to tag courses

Tag capabilities

The following capabilities are related to tags:

Note: The above capabilities may only be applied in the system context.

The capabilities tag:create and tag:edit should be set to allow everyone to create and edit tags. The reason these capabilities exist is because there were requests from some Moodle users to allow a greater degree of control over the vocabulary of tags (in a Moodle site for a high school it might make sense to block students from creating new tags).