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From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 11:27, 31 January 2012 by Mary Cooch (talk | contribs) (→‎How do teachers access MOOCH?: added capability)

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What is MOOCH?

How do we get onto MOOCH?

  • The Moodle admin can register withMooch via Settings>Site Administration>Registration (You do not have to make your own Moodle publicly visible to be able to access MOOCH courses)


How do teachers access MOOCH?

  • Teachers in courses are then able to add the Community finder block allowing them to search for courses for download or list them as enrollable.
  • Users with the capability moodle/course:publish are able to publish courses to MOOCH via the Publish button in Settings>Course Administration.

How do we see courses in MOOCH?

  • Click the link and then choose from the drop down selections


How do we publish courses to MOOCH?

  • In a course, click Settings>Course Administration>Publish


  • Then select the way you wish your course to be available:
