New feature
in Moodle 2.9!
The Preferences page gives users quick access to various settings they might wish to edit. It can be accessed directly from the user menu top right or from a link in the user's Profile page.
The preferences of another user may be accessed from a link on their Profile page, for those who have access to it.
What is displayed on the Preferences page may vary according to the permissions of each individual.:
User account
Links here allow users to edit their profile information and change their password, specify how they wish to receive forum and other notifications, choose a text editor (if allowed) and view/reset their RSS token.
Preferred language
Note that changing your preferred language here will only affect the Moodle interface and not the actual course content.
Forum preferences
Email digest type
This setting determines how you receive any posts from Forums to which you are subscribed, allowing you to receive messages individually or on a daily basis.
Forum auto-subscribe
This setting lets you decide if you want email copies of posts that are added to forums. If you set this to subscribe, the system will automatically email you copies of new posts in discussions that you post in, unless you manually override it when posting.
Forum tracking
Enabling forum tracking means highlighting the posts you have not read yet, which should improve your forum navigation.
Editor preferences
- This can usually be left as 'Default editor'. In a new installation this is the Atto editor. If your admin allows it you can change to the TinyMCE editor.
- If you want to use the Cloze editor module plugin to write Embedded Answers (Cloze) question type, you must choose TinyMCE as your text editor.
- If you find your browser is not letting you edit text, change this setting to 'Plain text editor'.
- If other editors have been enabled by the site administrator, you can select them here.
Security keys
See Security keys]
Here the user can manage and download their badges, set privacy levels and connect to their backpack.
Where portfolios have been enabled, their visibility can be set here on an individual basis.
Blog preferences may be set here, and external blogs registered.
The user's role assignments and permissions may be viewed and checked here.
- What displays here depends on the permissions and roles of the user.
- If Event monitoring is enabled on the site, a link will be available in this section.