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Lesson module/Lesson questions

From MoodleDocs

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Lesson questions are similar but not exactly the same as Quiz questions. For example Lesson questions have jumps, and also some types can be scored or evaluated differently than a similar Quiz question. In Moodle 2.0, Quiz and Lesson questions will be coming closer together. On this page we will refer you to other MoodleDoc pages about Questions types when they apply to a Lesson.

Parts of a lesson question

Parts of a Lesson question include title, content, answer, feedback and jump. Jumps are unique to the Lesson activity and can be thought of a links tied to answers. Like a Quiz question, each answer can be evaluated and scored differently.

Multiple choice

In a multiple choice question, the student is given a question and a list of answers. In a Lesson, the answer list will be shuffled every time the question is view by a student. In a multiple choice question, the student selects one answer.

Questions can use pictures. Indeed, pictures can be used as answers when the HTML editor is turned on and the page reloaded. Each answer in a multichoice question can be scored separately. It is possible to give a negative score for an answer, or partial credit for a wrong answer. The teacher can give a response based upon the answer selected by the student.

With multianswer box checked

A check in the multianswer box allows the teacher to determine that more than 1 answer is required for the student to receive credit for the question. There is no partial credit and the student must select just correct answers from a list.

An example of a multianswer question is:

Which of the following are animals?
- A dog
- A cow
- A rock
- A rose

To ensure the multianswer feature works, all correct answers should be in first lines of the answer list, receive the same score (let say 1), response and jump to the same page. Then wrong answers should hve the same score (usually 0), response and all jump to the same page. In other words you should have two groups of answers (correct answers first and then incorrect ones) with the identical scores, responses and jumps for each group.

A student who does not select all the correct answers, or includes any wrong answer will receive the "wrong answer" score, response and jump.

See also Multiple_Choice_question_type which is a quiz question and works differently.

Short answer

In a short answer question the student is expected to answer with one word or a few words. Short-Answer question type gives more information about this kind of question

Starting with Moodle 1.6, there are two different student answer analysis systems available for the Short Answer type of question in the Lesson Module: the simple system and the new regular expressions system. The simple system is the default and is the same used by the Quiz Module. There is a "Use Regular Expressions" option box on the Edit Question Page screen in the Lesson Module.

We suggest first reading about the Short answer question page with the examples of the "simple analysis", and then read the Short answer analysis page that gives more information about "Regular Expression analysis".

Table of Contents

True / false

The True/False question type is a special case of the multiple choice question. The student is prompted to choose which is the correct option. See multiple choice question above for details.

Matching questions


Matching questions consist of a list of names or statements, or pictures which must be correctly matched against another list. For example "Match the letter with its position in the alphabet. One list would have A, B, C, D, Z and the other in a pull down menu next to each item would have 2, 4, 3, 1, 26 .

Unlike the Multichoice question where the choices are shown in a random order, the first list of items in a Matching question is not shuffled but shown in the same order as entered. The second list is scrambled.

In 1.9 there is one score, one response and one jump associated with the right answers (where all matches are correct) and one score, one response and one jump associated with a wrong match (where one or more are not matched correctly).

See Matching question type for more information.

Numerical Question

This type of question requires a number as the answer. In it's simplest form it requires just one answer to be specified. For example "What is 2 plus 2?", where 4 is the correct answer. A numerical question will also accept a number in a range as being correct. The answers are similar to short answer, where the order that the teacher lists the answers is important.

See Numerical question type for more information.

The lesson numerical question differs from the numerical quiz question and the numerical embedded question (Cloze), in a couple of ways when it evaluates answers. For example there is no wild card.

Table of Contents

Essay Questions

Short essay questions were introduced in Moodle version 1.5. These are meant for short, paragraph or two type of essays one often finds on exams. Thus we did not use the html editor, preferring a simple text field. For longer essays, the assignment module is a better choice.

The student simply enters their essay in the box provided. The teacher sees ungraded essay questions when opening the lesson. After grading, the teacher can email their responses to the student.

Essay question type page has more information.