Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 2.9. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: Editable Content HTML Block.

Editable Content HTML Block

From MoodleDocs

The Editable Content HTML Block is a simple variant of the standard HTML block allowing non editing capable users to change HTML content.

This block is intended to help in 2 level course editing process, when course structure is designed by a primary author, but contextual details need to be changed by a teacher.

The basic feature is exactly the same than the HTML block, but an additional capability allows some roles to have access to a content modification change from a link located in block footer. Administrator may assign this capability to any role (standard or custom) depending on requirements.


Follow the usual plugin install process as described in plugin download database.


block/editablecontenthtml:editcontent: People being authorized on this capability will be able to change the block's content. This is a block level capability. Editing and Non Editing Teachers are assigned as a default.