Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 2.9. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: Dataformfield entrytime.

Dataformfield entrytime

From MoodleDocs

Displays the entry time created and modified.


  • TBC


Not applicable.


Entry level patterns

ETM is the default name of the this field and is defined as a language string. If the language string is modified after the field patterns have been added to a view template, the patterns need to adjusted in order to reflect the new name.


Displays the time the entry was added.


Displays the date the entry was added.


Displays the minute the entry was added.


Displays the hour the entry was added.


Displays the day the entry was added.


Displays the day the entry was added.


Displays the week the entry was added.


Displays the month the entry was added.


Displays the month the entry was added.


Displays the year the entry was added.


Displays the year the entry was added.


Displays the time the entry was last modified.


Displays the date the entry was last modified.


Displays the minute the entry was last modified.


Displays the hour the entry was last modified.


Displays the day the entry was last modified.


Displays the day the entry was last modified.


Displays the week the entry was last modified.


Displays the month the entry was last modified.


Displays the month the entry was last modified.


Displays the year the entry was last modified.


Displays the year the entry was last modified.

Sort / Search

  • Time created
  • Time modified

The search value is a string containing an English date/time (including relative date/time such as 'tomorrow'). You can specify a range (for the BETWEEN operator) by entering “from” and “to” dates separated by two dots (..), for example:

3 March 2014 .. 10 March 2014

Import / Export

Importing entries with entry time info allows you to add entries with specific time created and modified. When both time created and time modified are imported, if time modified is earlier than time created it will be adjusted to the time created.

The imported value can be a string containing an English date/time (including relative date/time such as 'tomorrow') or a Unix timestamp.

  • [[ETM:timecreate]]
  • [[ETM:timemodified]]