Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 2.9. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: Dataformfield entryactions.

Dataformfield entryactions

From MoodleDocs

Displays the entry action links/icons (e.g. edit, delete, duplicate etc.).


  • Accessed controlled entry edit, delete, duplicate, export, select, more (single view) action links.
  • View designation of edit and more actions.
  • Bulk duplicate, edit, select, delete.
  • Dropdown display of actions.


Not applicable.


Entry level patterns


Displays the entry actions available for the user as dropdown menu.


Displays the entry edit action link with default edit icon. Opens the edit form in the current view.


Displays the entry delete action link with default delete icon.


Displays the entry select checkbox for bulk actions.


Displays the entry export action link with default export icon. Opens the portfolio exporter.


Displays the entry duplicate action link with default duplicate icon.


Adds to the page an entry anchor with the name “entryid” (id is the entry id);


Displays the entry single view action link with the default more icon. Opens the current view with only this entry displayed.


Displays the url of the single entry view action link.


Displays the entry single view (in the specified view) action link with the default more icon. Opens the specified view with only this entry displayed.


Displays the entry single view (in the specified view) action link.


Displays the entry edit (in the specified view) action link with default edit icon. Opens the edit form in the specified view.

View level patterns

These patterns do not contain entry specific data and should typically be added to the View template rather than the Entry template.


Displays a checkbox to select or deselect all entry selector on the page.


Displays a bulk entry duplicate action link with the default duplicate icon. The link will trigger a confirmation required duplication of all selected entries on the page.


Displays a bulk entry edit action link with the default edit icon. The link will open editing form for all selected entries on the page.


Displays a bulk entry delete action link with the default delete icon. The link will trigger a confirmation required deletion of all selected entries on the page.


Displays a bulk entry export action link with the default export icon. The link will send all selected entries on the page to the portfolio exporter.

Sort / Search

Not applicable.

Import / Export

Not applicable.