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Soundcloud repository

From MoodleDocs

This repository will allow users a easy method to link to their soundcloud streams. This is ok, but you will probably get more value out of it by coupling with the Soundcloud filter


SoundCloud is an audio platform that enables anyone to upload, record, promote and share their originally-created sounds across the internet, in a simple, accessible and feature-rich way. SoundCloud allows sound creators anywhere to instantly record audio on the site or via mobile applications and share them publicly or privately; to embed sound across websites, social networks and blogs and receive feedback from the community.

  • Free account: Waveform widget, Secret link sharing, 120 upload minutes


Get url of public/private streams Download audio in original format Note: Recommend using "link external", as this stage the API only supports downloading in the original file format which may cause issues.

Soundcloud waveform player



01) Make a folder called soundcloud under /repository folder so that you have a /repository/soundcloud folder.

02) Copy the files into the /repository/soundcloud folder.

03) Go to the /admin page and allow the filter to be installed.

04) Go to Settings -> Site administration -> Plugins -> Repositories to configure. Select "Soundcloud" you will need a client id and client secret from follow the on screen help.

Tips and tricks

SoundCloud for your mobile, create and record on your mobile phone.

See also