Moodle research
From MoodleDocs
The site has been established as a point of contact for Moodle researchers. On that site there is a Moodle Research Collection containing Moodle-related research publications.
A growing, community-contributed collection of research into LMS (Learning Management Systems) and particularly Moodle.
Moodle-specific research
Academic, governmental, organisational research (mostly) involving Moodle (design, use, implementation...).
- Al Naddabi, Zakiya. “A Moodle Course: Design and Implementation in English for Academic Purposes Instruction.” Proceedings of the World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education. Ed. Theo Bastiaens and CarlinerSaul. Chesapeake, VA: AACE, 2007. 1371–1376. Print.
- Al-Ajlan, Ajlan, and Hussein Zedan. “Why Moodle.” 12th IEEE International Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems. IEEE, 2008. 58–64. Web. 14 May 2013.
- Al-jarf, Reima. “Are WebCT , Moodle and Nicenet Equally Effective in EFL Instruction?” TCC Online Conference. April 15-17. N. p., 2008. Print.
- Andrews, Trish, and Chris Daly. “Using Moodle, an Open Source Learning Management System, to Support a National Teaching and Learning Collaboration.” Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education: To Industry and Beyond. Yeppoon, Australia: AaeE, 2008. 1–6. Print.
- Barnawi, Osman Z. “Use Your Noodle to Learn Moodle: How Moodle Can Help Saudi Arabian Universities Create Online Communities for Collaboration, Learning and Social Knowledge Management.” International Journal of Instructional Technology & Distance Learning 6.12 (2009): 47–56.
- Baskerville, Brian, and Thomas Robb. “Using Moodle for Teaching Business English in a CALL Environment.” PacCall Journal 1.1 (2005): 138–151. Print.
- Bateson, Gordon. “Intermediate Moodle: Ideas for Language Teachers.” The JALT CALL Journal 4.2 (2008): 73–79. Print.
- Beatty, Brian, and Connie Ulasewicz. “Online Teaching and Learning in Transition: Faculty Perspectives on Moving from Blackboard to the Moodle Learning Management System.” TechTrends 50.4 (2005): 36–45. Print.
- Berggren, Anders et al. “Practical and Pedagogical Issues for Teacher Adoption of IMS Learning Design Standards in Moodle LMS.” Journal of Interactive Media in Education 2005.2 (2005): 1–24.
- Bonilla, Angel Mora, Maria Dei Pilar Sarmiento Moreno, and Enrique Merida Casermeiro. “How We Can Mark the Rhythm of the Daily Work by Using a Learning Management System as Moodle?” WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education 7.2 (2010): 53–62. Print.
- Brandl, Klaus. “Are You Ready to Moodle?” Language Learning & Technology 9.2 (2005): 16–23. Print.
- Bremer, Dave, and Reuben Bryant. “A Comparison of Two Learning Management Systems: Moodle vs Blackboard.” Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications. NACCQ, New Zealand. N. p., 2005. 135–140. Print.
- Č, Ľ, and M Fikar. “Registration – an Activity Module for LMS Moodle.” 2–5. Print.
- Chao, Ining Tracy. “Moving to Moodle: Reflections Two Years Later.” EDUCAUSE Quarterly 31.3 (2008): 46–52. Print.
- Chavan, Abhijeet, and Shireen Pavri. “Open-Source Learning Management with Moodle.” Linux Journal 128 (2004): 66–70. Print.
- Chewe, Pilate, and Eness M. Miyanda Chitumbo. “Moodle Adoption at the University of Zambia: Opportunities and Challenges.” Science Journal of Sociology & Anthropology 2012 (2012): 1–7.
- Chourishi, Dharmendra et al. “Effective E-Learning through Moodle.” International Journal of Advance Technology & Engineering Research 1.1 (2011): 34–38. Print.
- Čirka, Ľ, and M Fikar. “Registration – an Activity Module for LMS Moodle.” Proceedings of 7th International Conference Virtual University, E-Academia Slovaca, Bratislava. Bratislava: N. p., 2006. 184–187. Print.
- Čirka, Ľ, M Kvasnica, and M Fikar. “WebLab Module for the Moodle Learning Management System Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava.” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference Virtual University. N. p., 2008. Print.
- Cole, Jason, and Helen Foster. Using Moodle. 2nd ed. Tokyo: O’Reilly Community Press, 2008. Print.
- Corich, Stephen. “Is It Time to Moodle?” Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications. Ed. S Mann and T Clear. New Zealand: N. p., 2005. 155–158. Print.
- ---. “Let’s Get Ready to Moodle.” Bulletin of Applied Computing and Information Technology 3.3 (2006): n. pag.
- Despotović-zrakić, Marijana et al. “Providing Adaptivity in Moodle LMS Courses Adaptive E-Learning Systems.” Educational Technology & Society 15.1 (2012): 326–338. Print.
- Diaz, Ana Maria Correa. “Teaching Foreign Trade in English Through the Modalities Based on Competences and Using Moodle.” Profile 14.2 (2012): 163–180. Print.
- Dönük, Dönercan. “A Distance Education Model for INSET: Moodle.” ICT for Language Learning Conference Proceedings 2010. International Conference ICT for Language Learning 3rd Conference Edition. Florence, Italy 11-12 November 2010. Ed. Pixel. Florence, Italy: Simonelli Editore, 2010. Print.
- Dougiamas, Martin, and Peter C. Taylor. “Moodle: Using Learning Communities to Create an Open Source Course Management System.” ED-MEDIA 2003--World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications. Ed. David Lassner and Carmel McNaught. Chesapeake, VA: AACE, 2003. 171–178. Print.
- “Dougiamas, Taylor - 2003 - Moodle Using Learning Communities to Create an Open Source Course Management System.” n. pag. Print.
- Elias, Tanya. “Universal Instructional Design Principles for Moodle.” The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning 11.2 (2010): 110–124.
- Etxebarria, Aintzane, Urtza Garay, and Asier Romero. “Implementation of Social Strategies in Language Learning by Means of Moodle.” Journal of Language Teaching and Research 3.2 (2012): 273–282. Web. 8 May 2013.
- Faculty Moodle Tutorial. School of Professional and Graduate Studies, Baker University, 2010. Print.
- Ferreira, José M Martins, and António M Cardoso. “A Moodle Extension to Book Online Labs.” International Journal of Online Engineering 1.2 (2005): 1–7. Print.
- Harashima, Hideto. “A Blended Learning Environment Using Moodle.” Collected Papers, 2004 National Conference of the Japan Association for Language Education & Technology. N. p., 2004. 181–184. Print.
- ---. “Creating a Blended Learning Environment Using Moodle.” The Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of Japan Society of Educational Technology. N. p., 2004. 241–242. Print.
- Holton, Douglas L. “Using Moodle to Teach Constructivist Learning Design Skills to Adult Learners.” (2012): 561–563.
- Hsu, Hsiao-hui. “The Acceptance of Moodle : An Empirical Study Based on UTAUT.” Creative Education 3.December (2012): 44–46.
- Iriarte, Ramon et al. “A Collaborative Learning Experience Supported by MOODLE.” Cross Border: International Cooperation in Industrial Technology Education. Ed. Gerd Hoepken et al. Aichi, Japan: Aichi University of Technology, 2009. 93–106. Print.
- Isharyanti, Neny. Creating Assessment Using Moodle Course Management System. N. p., 2008. Print.
- Iv, William H Rice. Moodle. N. p. Print.
- Jamieson, John, and Michael Verhaart. “Issues Surrounding Course Content Migration: Blackboard to Moodle.” Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications. Ed. S Mann and T Clear. New Zealand: NAACQ, 2005. 197–200. Print.
- Jingwei, Tang. “The Research on Blended Learning of ESL Based on Moodle Platform.” Studies in Literature and Language 6.2 (2013): 30–34. Print.
- Kakasevski, Gorgi et al. “Evaluating Usability in Learning Management System Moodle.” ITI 2008 - 30th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces. Ieee, 2008. 613–618.
- Kennedy, David M. “Challenges in Evaluating Hong Kong Students ’ Perceptions of Moodle.” ASCILITE 2005: Balance, Fidelity, Mobility: Maintaining the Momentum? Australia: ASCILITE, 2005. 327–336. Print.
- ---. “Challenges in Evaluating Hong Kong Students ’ Perceptions of Moodle Moodle : An Open-Source Learning Management System The Potential of LMSs in Teacher Education.” July (2004): 327–336. Print.
- Kofteros, Alexandros et al. “Redesigning the Moodle Interface for Use in Primary Schools With a Ratio of One Computer per Student.” The Proccedings of the 7th European Conference on E-Learning. Ed. Dan Remenyi. Reading: Academic Publishin Limited, 2008. 564–570. Print.
- Lawler, Alan. “LMS Transitioning to Moodle: A Surprising Case of Successful, Emergent Change Management.” Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 27.7 (2011): 1111–1123. Print.
- Lengyel, P, and M Herdon. “E-Learning Course Development in Moodle.” International Conference on New Research in Food and Tourism: BIOATLAS 2008. Romania: N. p., 2008. 1–5. Print.
- Lengyel, Péter, Miklós Herdon, and Róbert Szilágyi. “Comparison of Moodle and ATutor LMSs.” Summer University on Information Technology in Agriculture and Rural Development. Ed. Zsolt Harnos and Miklos Herdon. Debrecen, Hungary: Hungarian Association of Agricultural Informatics, 2006. 21–28. Print.
- Lin, Ming-Chia. “Building a Lexical Syllabus on Moodle with Web Concordancers for EFL Productive Academic Vocabulary.” (2007): n. pag. Print.
- ---. “Building a Lexical Syllabus on Moodle with Web Concordancers for EFL Productive Academic Vocabulary.” Proceedings of WorldCALL 2008. Fukuoka: Fukuoka University, 2008.
- Machado, Michael, and Eric Tao. “Blackboard vs. Moodle: Comparing User Experience of Learning Management Systems.” 37th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference. N. p., 2007. 7–12. Print.
- Marcais, Tom, and Matt Riordan. “Moodle An Electronic Classroom.” n. pag. Print.
- Martinez, By Margaret, and Sheila Jagannathan. “Moodle: A Low-Cost Solution for Successful E-Learning.” Learning Solution Nov. 2008 : 1–8. Print.
- McMillin, B, and M Munro. “Moodle at DCU.” Dublin City University. N. p., n.d. Web. 1 Mar. 2012.
- Melton, Jay. “The LMS Moodle: A Usability Evaluation.” Language Issues: HCI 11/12.1 (2006): 1–24. Print.
- Meurant, Robert C. “How Computer-Based Internet-Hosted Learning Management Systems such as Moodle Can Help Develop L2 Digital Literacy.” International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering 5.2 (2010): 19–26. Print.
- Miller, Tracy. “A Literature Review on Transitioning from Blackboard to Moodle: Issues to Consider and Lessons Learned.” University of Alabama. N. p., 2012. Web. 21 Oct. 2012.
- Moloney, Brendan, and Timothy Gutierrez. “An Enquiry into Moodle Usage and Knowledge in a Japanese ESP Program.” PacCALL Journal 2.1 (2006): 48–60. Print.
- Moore, Michelle. “Moodle Open Course Management System: A Free Alternative to Blackboard.” N. p., 2003. Print.
- ---. “Moodle Open Source Course Management System: A Free Alternative to Blackboard.” N. p., 2003. Print.
- Munoz, Kathy D, and Joan Van Duzer. “Blackboard vs. Moodle: A Comparison of Satisfaction with Online Teaching and Learning Tools.” Humbolt State University. N. p., 15 Feb. 2005. Web. 23 Apr. 2012.
- Nozawa, Kazunori. “To Moodle or Not to Moodle: Can It Be an Ideal E-Learning Environment?” Policy Science 18.3 (2011): 289–312. Print.
- Pandey, Shri Ram, and Shweta Pandey. “Developing a More Effective and Flexible Learning Management System (LMS) for the Academic Institutions Using Moodle.” ICAL 2009 - Technology, Policy and Innovation. N. p., 2009. 249–254. Print.
- Payette, Dennis L., and Rakesh Gupta. “Transitioning from Blackboard to Moodle - Course Management Software: Faculty And Student Opinions.” American Journal of Business Education 2.9 (2009): 67–74. Print.
- Petrova, Krassie. “Moodle as a Virtual Learning Environment.” Proceedings of the AUT University First IT Symposium. Auckland: N. p., 2005. 19–20. Print.
- Rice, William. “Moodle E-Learning Course Development: A Complete Guide to Successful Learning Using Moodle.” n. pag. Print.
- Robb, Thomas N. “Moodle: A Virtual Learning Environment for the Rest of Us.” TESL-EJ 8.2 (2004): 1–8.
- Savolainen, Olli. “User Experience Design in Open Source Development: Approaches to Usability Work in the Moodle Community.” University of Tampere, 2010. Print.
- Sclater, Niall. “Enhancing Moodle to Meet the Needs of 200,000 Distance Learners.” Silesian Moodle Moot. Celadnzech Republic: Technical University of Ostrava, 2008. 1–7.
- Stanford, Jeff. “In the Mood for Moodle.” English Teaching Professional 54 (2008): 58–60. Print.
- ---. Moodle 1.9 for Second Language Teaching: Engaging Online Language-Learning Activities Using the Moodle Platform. Brimingham: PACKT Publishing, 2009. Print.
- Stanley, Iain. “Creating a Student-Generated Glossary in Moodle: How Is It Done and How Effective Is It?” The JALT CALL Journal 3.1-2 (2007): 116–131. Print.
- Su, Cheng-chao, and Karen Garcia. “Practical Moodle Use for English Teachers.” E Consultant. N. p., n.d. Print.
- Suvorov, Ruslan. “Using Moodle in ESOL Writing Classes.” TESL-EJ 14.2 (2010): 1–11. Print.
- Tiantong, Monchai, and Sanit Teemuangsai. “Student Team Achievement Divisions (STAD) Technique through the Moodle to Enhance Learning Achievement.” International Education Studies 6.4 (2013): 85–92. Web. 8 May 2013.
- Williams, Bryan C. Moodle: For Teachers, Trainers and Administrators. N. p. Print.
- Williams, Stephen. “Learners Creating Moodle Content.” GLoCALL 2009 Proceedings. N. p., 2009. 35–42. Print.
- Wilson, Scott et al. “Moodle Wave : Reinventing the VLE Using Widget Technologies.” 47–58. Print.
- Wu, Wen-shuenn. “The Application of Moodle on an EFL Collegiate Writing Environment.” Journal of Education and Foreign Languages and Literature 5.7 (2008): 45–56. Print.
- Yordanova, Lina et al. “Development of a Web-Based Course on Informatics via Open-Source Software Package MOODLE.” CompSysTech’03 Proceedings of the 4th International Conference Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies: E-Learning. Ed. Boris Rachev and Angel Smrikarov. New York, USA: ACM Press, 2003. 629–633. Print.
- Zsolt, Toth, and Bessenyei Istvan. Moodle and Social Constructivism. Sopron: Network for Teaching Information Society, 2008. Print.
Print (papers, reports, collections, theses...)
- Al Naddabi, Z. (2007). A Moodle Course: Design and Implementation in English for Academic Purposes Instruction. In T. Bastiaens & S. Carliner (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2007
- Berggren, A. et al (2005) Practical and Pedagogical Issues for Teacher Adoption of IMS Learning Design Standards in Moodle LMS. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2005(02)
- Brandl, K. (2007) Are You Ready to "Moodle"?. Language Learning & Technology, May 2005, Vol.9(2)
- Burgos, D. et al. (2007) A First Step Mapping IMS Learning Design and Moodle. Journal of Universal Computer Science, Vol. 13 (7).
- Cowan, P. (2006). Factors influencing Pre-Service teachers’ attitudes towards using a Moodle environment for teaching and learning. In C. Crawford et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2006
- Deng, Y. & Hemphill, L. (2006). Demonstrating Online K12 Teaching Strategies in a Moodle Course Management Environment. In C. Crawford et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2006
- DeSchryver, M., Mishra, P., Koehleer, M. & Francis, A. (2009). Moodle vs. Facebook: Does using Facebook for Discussions in an Online Course Enhance Perceived Social Presence and Student Interaction?. In I. Gibson et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2009
- Dougiamas, M. & Taylor, P. (2003). Moodle: Using Learning Communities to Create an Open Source Course Management System. In D. Lassner & C. McNaught (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2003.
- Graf, S. &List, B.(2005) An evaluation of open source e-learning platforms stressing adaptation issues. Advanced Learning Technologies, 2005. ICALT 2005.
- Guttierez, E. et al. (2009) A new Moodle module supporting automatic verification of VHDL-based assignments. Computers & Education, Vol 54 (2), Feb 2010.
- Hueros, D. & Sanchez, A. (2010) Motivational factors that influence the acceptance of Moodle using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Computers in Human Behavior. Vol. 26(6) Nov 2010.
- Jide, W. & Li, Z. (2009) New Progresses in the Domestic Research on Moodle Journal of Distance Education.
- Knutzen, B. & Kennedy, D.M. (2008). Can Learning to Use Moodle Alter Teachers’ Approaches to Teaching?. In J. Luca & E. Weippl (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2008
- Pfaffman, J. (2004). Integrating Moodle into a Course for Pre- and In-service Teachers. In R. Ferdig et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2004
- Kemp, J. Livingstone, D. (2008) Integrating Web-Based and 3D Learning Environments: Second Life Meets Moodle. UPGRADE Vol. IX, No. 3, June 2008
- Romero,C. et al (2009) Evolutionary algorithms for subgroup discovery in e-learning: A practical application using Moodle data. Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 36(2)1, March 2009.
- Romero, S. Ventura, C. & Garcia, E. (2007) Data mining in course management systems: Moodle case study and tutorial. Computers & Education. Vol. 51 (1), Aug 2008 (Abstract only, paid access).
- Li, P. et al. (2009) Classroom Response Systems Based on Moodle. Distance Education Journal;2008-03
- Martín-Blas, T. & Serrano-Fernández (2009) The role of new technologies in the learning process: Moodle as a teaching tool in Physics. Computers & Education. Vol. 52(1), Jan 2009.
- Meurant, R.C. (2009) Computer-Based Internet-Hosted Assessment of L2 Literacy: Computerizing and Administering of the Oxford Quick Placement Test in ExamView and Moodle.Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2009, Vol. 60.
- Rakoczi, Gergely. (2010) "Cast your Eyes on Moodle: An Eye Tracking Study investigating learning with Moodle"
- Liu Suqin & Li Jiahou (2007) Curriculum Design BIG6 Mode Based on Moodle. Distance Education Journal.
- Stewart, B. et al (2007) Choosing MOODLE: An Evaluation of Learning Management Systems at Athabasca University. International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (IJDET). Vol. 5(3)
- Zenha-Rela,M. & Carvalho, R.(2006) Work in Progress: Self Evaluation Through Monitored Peer Review Using the Moodle Platform. Frontiers in Education Conference.
- Zhiqiang, M & Yanli, W. (2008) An Analysis of Moodle-based Online Learning Barriers. Distance Education in China, Aug 2008.
Presentations and videos
Other material (eg projects)
LMS research - general
Broader academic, governmental, organisational research on LMS/VLE useful to Moodle to learn from. Check here for details.
Print (papers, reports, collections, theses...)
- Carmean, C. & Haefner,J. (2002). Mind over matter: Transforming course management systems into effective learning environments. EDUCAUSE Review, Vol. 37, No. 6, pp. 27–33.
- Chang, Chinhong Lim (2008) Faculty Perceptions and Utilization of a Learning Management System in Higher Education (dissertation)
- Keesee, G. & Shepard, M.(2011) Perceived Attributes Predict Course Management System Adopter Status. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, Vol 14/1.
- Lane, L. (2009) Insidious pedagogy: How course management systems impact teaching. First Monday, Vol. 14, Number 10 - 5 Oct 2009
- OFSTED (2009) Virtual learning environments: an evaluation of their development in a sample of educational settings.
- Sancar, H. & Cagiltay, K. (2008). Effective Use of LMS: Pedagogy through the Technology. In J. Luca & E. Weippl (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2008