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User:Jon Witts/file-upload-v2

From MoodleDocs

Probably the most frequently asked question in the Using Moodle forums is "How do I increase the upload file size limit?" This page will focus upon making changes in on the web server, outside of the Moodle interface.

There are different web server operating systems, thus the method of increasing the uploaded file limit can be different in each. Typically this process is controlled directly by PHP, but some web server systems can override php settings.


File Upload sizes are restricted in a number of different places. The list below shows the order of inheritance that file upload sizes follow.

  1. PHP Server level - File_upload_size (which is this page)
  2. Moodle site level - Site_policies
  3. Course level - Course_settings
  4. Activity level - Adding/editing_a_forum, Upload_a_single_file_assignment and Advanced_uploading_of_files_assignment

As you can see, it is the PHP server level that has the greatest precedence. So to increase the file upload size in Moodle we must first adjust this setting. You will need to find out where the active php.ini is located and if another program is over riding it.

Find php.ini control information

  • In PHP 4.x there must be a php.ini file in every directory that has php scripts.
  • In PHP 5.x there is only one php.ini file that is active. There maybe many php.ini files on the server, but only one will effect the file upload size. You can find this file by writing a php script or using the Moodle interface.
  • Some Application Programming Interface (API) servers will handle php settings differently

Moodle php info

In Moodle 1.7 onward, administrators run an information script by Site administration block>Server>PHP info will run an information script.

  • Server API - shows the server type
  • Configuration File (php.ini) Path - show the location of the file.
  • Loaded Configuration File (if there)- will over ride the above location.

Phpinfo script

For Moodles prior to 1.7 or on any server, you can create your own information page. Follow the instruction at phpinfo for more information.

At the very top of the phpinfo page you will see the version of PHP that your server is running. See the relevant section below for information on how to proceed.

What web server are you using?


If you are using an Apache web server you can use .htaccess files to over ride the php.ini settings, or you can edit the active php.ini files on your server.


.... edit php.ini ?! ...



How is php running on your web server?

PHP can interact with other programs on your web server. If PHP is being controlled by an Apache Handler, you will have to restart your server. The changes will take place immediately if you are running API server using say CGI/FastCGI .

You can find out how your web server is running PHP by looking at:

  • Site administration>Server>PHP info "Server API"
  • phpinfo page: Apache2Handler > Loaded Modules Section.


What access do you have to the server?

To make changes to the main php.ini file you will need administrative access to the server...

Local / Full access to server


Shared / Hosted access to server

Hosted Server

Things can be a little different with a hosted server for uploaded and downloaded file size. You are probably going to to be told to create or change a .htaccess file, or to modify a php.ini file.

It might be a good idea to talk to with your service provider before you attempt anything. They probably have instructions on "how to" and may have their own limits for uploaded file size. Some hosts measure the file size in gigabytes and others in megabytes. If you are unhappy with their limits, then check your contract and consider changing your provider to one that has a limit and price that you like.

.htaccess with hosted server

The one purpose of an .htaccess file is to override the the current limitations of both the server and the php.ini file. Your hosted server should inform you where that file needs be placed in your Moodle, but generally in the root is sufficient. They should already have a standard file in place or you can copy it from another location.

To the .htaccess file find or add the lines:

 php_value upload_max_filesize 128M
 php_value post_max_size 128M

This will limit uploads to 128MB, but you can make it any size you agree with your provider. The wording may vary slightly, according to the demands of the server.

php.ini with hosted server

Some servers will not allow you to change the moodle root .htaccess file and will tell you to use a php.ini file for php directives. The steps are basically the same as we covered above and your host will probably be running PHP 5.x

  • Locate the key php file. It probably will not be located with your Moodle code.
  • Using a file edit program, change the upload max and post max size in the active php file.

For example we found the following lines and the max file size is 20 megabytes.

upload_max_filesize = 20M
post_max_size = 20M