Tracking progress
From MoodleDocs
- Grades
- Conditional activities - a group of settings in a resource or activity which sets conditions upon entry into, or if an activity or resource can be even seen by the student
- Activity completion - An activity setting that sets the completion standard for that activity or resource.
- Course completion - allows for a course to be officially marked as finished, either manually or automatically according to specified criteria.
Optional plugins that might be useful for tracking progress
Note: The following plugins are not included in the standard Moodle core. They were provided by the enthusiastic Moodle community, and the site administrator must evaluate their pros and cons before Installing plugins in a production site:
- Progress bar - A time management tool for you and your students.
- Checklist module, checklist block and checklist grade export plugin. A checklist can be created by a teacher (or generated from the activities in a course) and then the students or teachers can check-off each item as they are completed.
- Lesson objectives - Optional block that shows the current lesson objectives in a lateral bar.
- FN- My Progress block provides students with an overview of their progress in regards to activities in a given course.
- Mycourse Status block displays the status (completed, passed) of course modules.
- Attendance register An activity module for tracking time spent by students in a course.
- Engament analytics report and Engament analytics block provide information about student progress against a range of indicators.
- Individual Learning Plans block to provide students with more opportunity to manage and track their own progress.
- FN-Tabs Course Format (with Activity Tracking). Includes an alternative Activity Tracking System, which tracks the following activity completion statuses: Complete (earned passing grade), Incomplete (did not earn passing grade), Draft, Not Attempted, Waiting for grade (student has submitted this activity), represented in the form of an icon on the left side of the activity name.
- Course Status Tracker block. A plugin to track the status of enrolled & completed course of student.